Man O' War: Corsair (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AlchemistRecruit a Gold Wizard.
AstromancerRecruit a Celestial Wizard.
Cut-throatSink 50 ships.
Destroyed Bane Tower of TzeentchSend a Bane Tower of Tzeentch back to the Warp.
Destroyed Great Winged TerrorSend a Great Winged Terror back to the Warp.
DruidRecruit a Jade Wizard.
HierophantRecruit a Light Wizard.
HunterSlay 5 sea monsters.
Legend of the SeasSink 1000 ships.
LoremasterRecruit wizards from all eight Colleges of Magic.
Magister of ShyishRecruit an Amethyst Wizard.
Master HunterSlay 50 sea monsters.
PyromancerRecruit a Bright Wizard.
Scourge of ChaosSink 10 Chaos vessels.
Scourge of EstaliaSink 10 Estalian vessels.
Scourge of KislevSink 10 Kislevite vessels.
Scourge of the Dark ElvesSink 10 Dark Elf vessels.
Scourge of the DwarfsSink 10 Dwarf vessels.
Scourge of the EmpireSink 10 Empire vessels.
Scourge of the High ElvesSink 10 High Elf vessels.
Scourge of the OrcsSink 10 Orc vessels.
Scourge of the PiratesSink 10 pirate vessels.
Scourge of the SkavenSink 10 Skaven vessels.
Scourge of TileaSink 10 Tilean vessels.
ShadowmancerRecruit a Grey Wizard.
ShamanRecruit an Amber Wizard.
ShipwreckerSink 20 ships.
Sunk BigchukkaSink a Bigchukka.
Sunk Black Ark of NaggarothSink a Black Ark of Naggaroth.
Sunk BloodshipSink a Bloodship.
Sunk BuccaneerSink a Buccaneer.
Sunk CorsairSink a Corsair.
Sunk Death FortressSink a Death Fortress.
Sunk DeathburnerSink a Deathburner.
Sunk DeathgalleySink a Deathgalley.
Sunk DoombringerSink a Doombringer.
Sunk DoomreaverSink a Doomreaver.
Sunk DragonshipSink a Dragonship.
Sunk DreadnoughtSink a Dreadnought.
Sunk DrillakillaSink a Drillakilla.
Sunk EagleshipSink an Eagleship.
Sunk GalleonSink a Galleon.
Sunk GreatshipSink a Greatship.
Sunk HawkshipSink a Hawkship.
Sunk Hell-hammerSink a Hell-hammer.
Sunk HellrammerSink a Hellrammer.
Sunk HellshipSink a Hellship.
Sunk HellslicerSink a Hellslicer.
Sunk HulkSink a Hulk.
Sunk IroncladSink an Ironclad.
Sunk IronfistSink an Ironfist.
Sunk IronsharkSink an Ironshark.
Sunk MonitorSink a Monitor.
Sunk NautilusSink a Nautilus.
Sunk PlaguecrusherSink a Plaguecrusher.
Sunk PlagueshipSink a Plagueship.
Sunk WargalleySink a Wargalley.
Sunk Warp-raiderSink a Warp-raider.
Sunk WolfshipSink a Wolfship.
TravellerVisit every non-pirate port in a single campaign.
VeteranSink 200 ships.