Achievement | How to unlock
AUSTRALIS | Enter Sequence 3.
Dizzy | Rotated 50 Times.
HAASTII | Enter Sequence 5.
I'm so sorry | Killed an enemy with a laser.
Lazarus | Died 20 Times.
MANTELLI | Enter Sequence 2.
Oh dear | Sent all blocks in a puzzle out of bounds.
OWENII | Enter Sequence 1.
ROWI | Enter Sequence 4.
Static | Finished a puzzle without rotating.
Survivor | Finished a Puzzle without dying.
The Deserted Desert | Completed World 3.
The Difficult Desert | Found the hidden item in World 3.
The Enigmatic End | Found the hidden item in World 5.
The Eventual End | Completed World 5.
The Fiendish Forest | Found the hidden item in World 1.
The Friendly Forest | Completed World 1.
The Lost Lab | Completed World 4.
The Ludicrous Lab | Found the hidden item in World 4.
The Wily Woods | Found the hidden item in World 2.
The Winter Woods | Completed World 2.
Uh oh | Sent an enemy out of bounds.
Whoops | Sent a block out of bounds.