Mallow Drops (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AUSTRALISEnter Sequence 3.
DizzyRotated 50 Times.
HAASTIIEnter Sequence 5.
I'm so sorryKilled an enemy with a laser.
LazarusDied 20 Times.
MANTELLIEnter Sequence 2.
Oh dearSent all blocks in a puzzle out of bounds.
OWENIIEnter Sequence 1.
ROWIEnter Sequence 4.
StaticFinished a puzzle without rotating.
SurvivorFinished a Puzzle without dying.
The Deserted DesertCompleted World 3.
The Difficult DesertFound the hidden item in World 3.
The Enigmatic EndFound the hidden item in World 5.
The Eventual EndCompleted World 5.
The Fiendish ForestFound the hidden item in World 1.
The Friendly ForestCompleted World 1.
The Lost LabCompleted World 4.
The Ludicrous LabFound the hidden item in World 4.
The Wily WoodsFound the hidden item in World 2.
The Winter WoodsCompleted World 2.
Uh ohSent an enemy out of bounds.
WhoopsSent a block out of bounds.