Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Braved the wildernessYou opted to brave the wilderness, rather than start in safety.
Collected 10 rare itemsFound and collected ten rare items
Collected 100 rare itemsFound and collected one hundred rare items
Collected 50 rare itemsFound and collected fifty rare items
Completed 100 questsFully completed one hundred quests
Completed 25 questsFully completed twenty five quests
Completed 5 questsFully completed five quests
Disarmed 10 trapsSuccessfully disarmed ten traps
Disarmed 100 trapsSuccessfully disarmed one hundred traps
Disarmed 50 trapsSuccessfully disarmed fifty traps
Discovered 25 secretsYou have revealed twenty five secret areas
Discovered 5 secretsYou have revealed five secret areas
Discovered 50 secretsYou have revealed fifty secret areas
Drank 10 unidentified potions.What's the worst that could happen? You have drunk 10 unidentified potions.
Drank 3 unidentified potions.What's the worst that could happen? You have drunk 3 unidentified potions.
Drank 30 unidentified potions.What's the worst that could happen? You have drunk 30 unidentified potions.
Found 20 townsFound and explored twenty towns
Found 5 townsFound and explored five towns
Found 50 townsFound and explored fifty towns
Found first dimension stoneYou found your first dimension stone
Found first dungeonYou found your first dungeon
Found first farmYou found your first farm
Found first hidden stashYou found your first hidden stash
Found first piece of armourYou have found your first piece of armour
Found first townYou found your first town
Found first weaponYou have found your first weapon
Fully cleared 10 dungeonsExplored and fully cleared ten dungeons
Fully cleared 100 dungeonsExplored and fully cleared one hundred dungeons
Fully cleared 50 dungeonsExplored and fully cleared fifty dungeons
Killed 10 GoblinsManaged to kill ten Goblins
Killed 10 MinotaursManaged to kill ten Minotaurs
Killed 100 GoblinsManaged to kill one hundred Goblins
Killed 2 OgresManaged to kill two Ogres
Killed 20 OgresManaged to kill twenty Ogres
Killed 3 MinotaursManaged to kill three Minotaurs
Killed 30 MinotaursManaged to kill thirty Minotaurs
Killed 30 OrcsManaged to kill thirty Orcs
Killed 30 ReptiliansManaged to kill thirty Reptilians
Killed 35 ZombiesManaged to kill thirty five Zombies
Killed 40 ImpsManaged to kill fourty Imps
Killed 50 GoblinsManaged to kill fifty Goblins
Killed 6 OgresManaged to kill six Ogres
Killed 6 OrcsManaged to kill six Orcs
Killed 6 ReptiliansManaged to kill six Reptilians
Killed 60 OrcsManaged to kill sixty Orcs
Killed 60 ReptiliansManaged to kill sixty Reptilians
Killed 7 ZombiesManaged to kill seven Zombies
Killed 70 ZombiesManaged to kill seventy Zombies
Killed 8 ImpsManaged to kill eight Imps
Killed 80 ImpsManaged to kill eighty Imps
Learned 10 new spellsYou have studied ten new spells
Learned 25 new spellsYou have studied twenty five new spells
Learned 3 new spellsYou have studied three new spells
Learned first spellYou learned your first magical spell
Learned how pit traps workYou managed to learn how pit traps work. Well done!
Looted 15 end of level chestsYou have found and looted three end of level chests
Looted 3 end of level chestsYou have found and looted three end of level chests
Looted 50 end of level chestsYou have found and looted fifty end of level chests
Made first killYou made your first kill
Opened 25 chestsYou have found and opened twenty five chests
Opened 5 chestsYou have found and opened five chests
Opened 50 chestsYou have found and opened fifty chests
Reached Eddya-Anic's HoldfastSafely reached Eddya-Anic's Holdfast as instructed by Clergyman Al-aeks
Try playing Goblin DiceAttempted to win some gold playing Goblin Dice