Magnetic By Nature (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Adroit AttractorBeat Zones 1-4.
All In A Dynasty's WorkBeat zone 4 on a speedrun without dying.
Big ShotBeat zone 2 on a speedrun without dying.
CompetitorHold 1st place rank on any level on the leaderboards.
Explorer ExtroardinaireVisit all 4 hidden levels.
Flawless VictoryBeat zones 1-5 in speedrun mode without dying.
Greased LightningBeat a level in under 3 seconds.
I make this look goodBeat zones 1-4 in speedrun mode while wearing Polarised Skin.
InfallibleBeat zones 1-4 in speedrun mode without dying.
Magnetic MagpieGet 100% collectibles.
Magnetic MasterBeat Zone 5.
Magnetic MogulBeat zone 3 on a speedrun without dying.
Manic PerfectionistCollect every collectible, beat every level, complete both speedrun modes, and visit ever hidden level.
MasochistDie twice within 3 seconds.
Master of the HouseBeat zones 1-5 in speedrun mode in under 2 Hours.
Smelling the RosesStay moving in a level for 5 minutes.
Speedrun SprinterBeat zones 1-4 in speedrun mode in under 1 Hour 30 Minutes.
SpidermanTouch the ground for less than 15 minutes total in a speedrun.
Stay classy, San DiegoBeat zones 1-5 in speedrun mode while wearing Polarised Skin.
The Genuine ArticleBeat zone 1 on a speedrun without dying.
UnrealBeat zone 5 on a speedrun without dying.