LoveKami: Divinity Stage (PC)

Various Steam Achievement

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
1st PerformanceView the first event scene.
2nd PerformanceView 20% of event scenes.
3rd PerformanceView 40% of event scenes.
4th PerformanceView 60% of event scenes.
5th PerformanceView 80% of event scenes.
Ame no UzumeClear Kagura's route.
BenzaitenClear Sara's route.
Bits and PiecesThe first tip displays.
ConfigOpen the config screen.
GallaryOpen the gallery.
KisshoutenClear Shuri's route.
Movie 1View the intro movie.
Movie 2View the opening movie.
Movie 3View the ending movie.
SakimitamaClear all routes.
SoundOpen sound screen.
Special PerformanceView 100% of event scenes.
Thank you!Complete first playthrough.
WakemitamaFinish the common route.
WelcomeBegin the game.