Lost Lands: Dark Overlord (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
BulldogMain and Bonus chapters were completed without hints at HO Scenes by silhouettes.
CleverThree mini-games were completed one-by-one without using the Skip button.
CollectorAll collections were collected.
Eagle's EyeMini-game with ships on paintings was completed without miss click.
ExpertMain chapter was completed on hard level.
FulminantMini-game was completed in less than a minute.
GamekeeperFull pine cone collection was completed.
Hunter on snailsFull snails collection was collected.
ImpatientMade more than 3 clicks per second in HO Scene by list.
ImpetuousMain chapter was completed in less than three hours.
Lover of puzzlesMain and Bonus chapters were completed without skipping mini-games.
Lover of storiesMain and Bonus chapters were completed watching all cut scenes and dialogs.
MysticFull skulls collection was collected.
PainterMini-game with sea-horse was completed without miss click.
PathfinderMain chapter was completed using the map no more than 5 times.
PilotAirship Flight was completed.
PloddingMini-game was completed by more than 5 minutes.
SharpshooterThree things were found per three seconds in HO Scene by list.
Shells ExpertAll shells in Uri's Home were correctly arranged at the first attempt.
SkillfulMain and Bonus chapters were completed without hints at HO Scenes with arranging things.
Snake CharmerFull snakes collection was collected.
TidyHO Scene by list was completed without miss clicks.
Train DriverMini-game with trolley was completed at the first attempt.
Treasure HunterThey key was found in the box with stones in less than 20 seconds.