Lost Ember (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Behind the WaterfallFound an odd mini-game.
Breaking the ChainsTriggered 20 memories.
EverythingPlayed all animals.
Gotta Catch'Em allFind all legendaries.
I Choose YouFound a weird sphere-shaped thing.
I Need More Colors!Spread spores of each mushroom kind.
I RememberTriggered all memories.
I'm down here!Spent a bunch of time underground.
I'm on a RollRoll for a mile.
Inventory Limit ReachedFound all relics.
It's Dangerous to Go AloneFound a weird triangle-shaped thing.
It's-a Me!Found a weird tube-shaped thing.
Landscaping ApprenticeFound 30 mushrooms.
Landscaping StarFound all mushrooms.
Landscaping StarletFound 70 mushrooms.
Look, it's so ShinyFound a legendary animal.
Scarf GliderFound a weird fashion-shaped thing.
Shine Shine SunshineFound and possessed 3 legendaries.
Splish SplashSpent a bunch of time underwater.
That's a Pretty GardenFound 50 mushrooms.
The Cake is a LieFound a weird cube-shaped thing.
The MunchiesHad too many berries.
The World is my ZooPlayed 10 different animals.
The World is YoursFound the golden Statue.
There's More Still?Found 25 relics.
This is Getting HeavyFound 50 relics.
This is Hard!Got through the Flappy Duckling level.
Viva PiņataFound a weird... shaped thing.
What's this?Found 5 relics.
Who am I?Triggered 5 memories.
Windy up hereSpent a bunch of time in the air.
Wrecking BallDamaged over 20 remains from the old days.
You're breathtaking!Unlock all other achievements.