Achievement | How to unlock
A Flying Sorceress | While mid-air, defeat four enemies before landing.
Bottomless Bag | Expand your bag to maximum slot.
Careless Little Witch | Defeated by her own magic.
Deranged Specter Armor | Defeat the gatekeeper of the castle again.
Excellent Reflex | Absorb 3000 mana using Counter Magic.
Let There Be Light | Light up all chandeliers in the underground cave.
Look for the Truth | Start a new game.
Master of Arcane | Reach level three of arcane element.
Master of Counter Magic | Reach level three of Counter Magic.
Master of Fire | Reach level three of fire element.
Master of Ice | Reach level three of ice element.
Master of Thunder | Reach level three of thunder element.
Master of Wind | Reach level three of wind element.
Puppet with Crafted Soul, the Ribbon Lover | Defeat Tania.
Puppet with Crafted Soul, the Stuffed Animal Hugger | Defeat Monica.
Qualified Sorceress | Complete spell charging within one second six times.
Sacred Ground | Discard a mysterious or sacred crystal.
She Exploded! | Defeat Monica with her own explosion magic.
Sorceress is supposed to be melee | Complete spell charging with melee, dodge or Counter Magic thirty times.
Treasure Hunter | Open 24 treasure chests in one round of the game.
Unknown Specter Armor | Defeat the gatekeeper of the castle.