Little Witch Nobeta (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Flying SorceressWhile mid-air, defeat four enemies before landing.
Bottomless BagExpand your bag to maximum slot.
Careless Little WitchDefeated by her own magic.
Deranged Specter ArmorDefeat the gatekeeper of the castle again.
Excellent ReflexAbsorb 3000 mana using Counter Magic.
Let There Be LightLight up all chandeliers in the underground cave.
Look for the TruthStart a new game.
Master of ArcaneReach level three of arcane element.
Master of Counter MagicReach level three of Counter Magic.
Master of FireReach level three of fire element.
Master of IceReach level three of ice element.
Master of ThunderReach level three of thunder element.
Master of WindReach level three of wind element.
Puppet with Crafted Soul, the Ribbon LoverDefeat Tania.
Puppet with Crafted Soul, the Stuffed Animal HuggerDefeat Monica.
Qualified SorceressComplete spell charging within one second six times.
Sacred GroundDiscard a mysterious or sacred crystal.
She Exploded!Defeat Monica with her own explosion magic.
Sorceress is supposed to be meleeComplete spell charging with melee, dodge or Counter Magic thirty times.
Treasure HunterOpen 24 treasure chests in one round of the game.
Unknown Specter ArmorDefeat the gatekeeper of the castle.