Lifeless Planet (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AdventurerMake a long and difficult jump with the jetpack.
AmbidextrousSolve a puzzle with the robotic arm.
BurnedCatch on fire.
ColonistSpend 15 minutes in the town.
Expedition LeaderPlay the game for more than 10 hours.
ExplorerDon't follow the footprints in a dangerous area.
GeologistCollect all of the mineral samples.
Gravity KillsDie from a hard fall.
JetpackerEnable extended boost with the jetpack.
Lifeless AstronautDie every possible way on the planet.
Planetary HistorianRead every document.
Rock HoundCollect half of the mineral samples.
RocketeerFinish the game in under 4 hours on your first playthrough.
SurvivalistSurvive the game without dying on your first playthrough.
What Was That?Something mysterious kills you.