Lego Racers (PC)

Cheat Codes

Create or edit a driver in build mode. Then, enter one of the following driver names at the make a license screen to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Reversed Rocket Racer Run trackLNFRRRM
Turbo modeFSTFRWRD
Maintain speed off trackNSLWJ
All pick-ups are always at maximumMXPMX
All pick-ups are grappleRPCRNLY
All pick-ups are green (Fast-forward)PGLLGRN
All pick-ups are yellow (Oil)PGLLYLL
All pick-ups are red (Bombs)PGLLRD
No driverNDRVR
No wheelsNWHLS
No chassisNCHSSS
Disable all cheatsNMRCHTS

Shortcut for Magma Moon Marathon

When you drive out of the magma cave, you will see a blue brick on the left when you round the bend. Drive through it and activate it. You will be in a hidden shortcut.

Shortcut for Royal Knights Raceway

Just before you reach the bridge, turn to the right. This will take you through a tunnel to the other side.

Speed burst

As soon as the words say GO just accellerate.