Legends of Pegasus (PC)


All Missions

Legends of Pegasus is considered to be an unfinishable game due to it's serious game ending bugs. However this cheat should allow you to get past the worst ones.

Here is the cheat to unlock all campaign missions in the game...

First go into the following folder:
C:\Users\%userprofile%\Documents\my games\Novacore Studios\Legends of Pegasus\profiles\

Then go into your profile folder and open User.xml with notepad or another text editor. Change the following lines to :

You have now unlocked all missions in the campaign. :)

The [actualCampaign] field will support 3 values: human / xor / arthrox
The [actualEpisode] field will support 4 values: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Advancing BackwardsFlee from a battle!
Advancing Backwards IIFlee from 10 battles!
Advancing Backwards IIIFlee from 100 battles!
Against All OddsComplete the Arthrox campaign!
ArcheologistInvestigate 10 Xenon ruins!
Archeologist IIInvestigate 100 Xenon ruins!
Avenger BreederBuild 25 Arthrox Avengers!
Avenger Breeder IIBuild 125 Arthrox Avengers!
Avenger Breeder IIIBuild 600 Arthrox Avengers!
Battleship ConstructorBuild 10 X'or Battleships!
Battleship Constructor IIBuild 50 X'or Battleships!
Battleship Constructor IIIBuild 250 X'or Battleships!
Battleship ShipbuilderBuild 10 Human Battleships!
Battleship Shipbuilder IIBuild 50 Human Battleships!
Battleship Shipbuilder IIIBuild 250 Human Battleships!
Berserker BreederBuild 10 Arthrox Berserkers!
Berserker Breeder IIBuild 50 Arthrox Berserkers!
Berserker Breeder IIIBuild 250 Arthrox Berserkers!
ColonizerEstablish a colony!
Colonizer IIEstablish 15 colonies!
Colonizer IIIEstablish 150 colonies!
Colonizer IVEstablish 1500 colonies
Corvette ConstructorBuild 100 X'or Corvettes!
Corvette Constructor IIBuild 500 X'or Corvettes!
Corvette Constructor IIIBuild 2500 X'or Corvettes!
Corvette ShipbuilderBuild 100 Human Corvettes!
Corvette Shipbuilder IIBuild 500 Human Corvettes!
Corvette Shipbuilder IIIBuild 2500 Human Corvettes!
Cruiser ConstructorBuild 25 X'or Cruisers!
Cruiser Constructor IIBuild 125 X'or Cruisers!
Cruiser Constructor IIIBuild 600 X'or Cruisers!
Cruiser ShipbuilderBuild 25 Human Cruisers!
Cruiser Shipbuilder IIBuild 125 Human Cruisers!
Cruiser Shipbuilder IIIBuild 600 Human Cruisers!
Destroyer ConstructorBuild 50 X'or Destroyers!
Destroyer Constructor IIBuild 250 X'or Destroyers!
Destroyer Constructor IIIBuild 1250 X'or Destroyers!
Destroyer ShipbuilderBuild 50 Human Destroyers!
Destroyer Shipbuilder IIBuild 250 Human Destroyers!
Destroyer Shipbuilder IIIBuild 1250 Human Destroyers!
ExpandColonize 3 star systems!
Expand IIColonize 50 star systems!
Expand IIIColonize 350 star systems!
ExplorerExplore 10 star systems!
Explorer IIExplore 100 star systems!
Explorer IIIExplore 1000 star systems!
FailsafeComplete the X'or campaign!
Frigate ConstructorBuild 75 X'or Frigates!
Frigate Constructor IIBuild 400 X'or Frigates!
Frigate Constructor IIIBuild 2000 X'or Frigates!
Frigate ShipbuilderBuild 75 Human Frigates!
Frigate Shipbuilder IIBuild 400 Human Frigates!
Frigate Shipbuilder IIIBuild 2000 Human Frigates!
Galaxy DominatorHold two thirds of all star systems in a tiny galaxy!
Galaxy Dominator IIHold two thirds of all star systems in a small galaxy!
Galaxy Dominator IIIHold two thirds of all star systems in a medium sized galaxy!
Galaxy Dominator IVHold two thirds of all star systems in a large sized galaxy!
Galaxy Dominator VHold two thirds of all star systems in a giant sized galaxy!
GeneticistCreate your own race!
Heavy DefenderRepell 50 invasions!
Heavy Weapons SpecialistDestroy a Battleship!
Heavy Weapons Specialist IIDestroy 15 Battleships!
Heavy Weapons Specialist IIIDestroy 150 Battleships!
Heavy Weapons Specialist IVDestroy 1500 Battleships!
Just One More Turn IIYou have complete 10000 turns!
Just One More Turn IIIYou have completed 50000 (!) turns!
Just One More Turn!You have completed 500 turns!
Lone WolfComplete the Human campaign!
Multi BattleFight in a battle with two or more other factions!
OperatorPlay one game as X'or!
Operator IIPlay 10 games as X'or!
Operator IIIPlay 100 games as X'or!
Planet Invasor IInvade a planet!
Planet Invasor IIInvade 15 planets!
Planet Invasor IIIInvade 150 planets!
Planet Invasor IVInvade 1500 planets!
PopulatorAchieve an overall population of 10 billions!
Populator IIAchieve an overall population of 100 billions!
Populator IIIAchieve an overall population of 500 billions!
Raider BreederBuild 75 Arthrox Raiders!
Raider Breeder IIBuild 400 Arthrox Raiders!
Raider Breeder IIIBuild 2000 Arthrox Raiders!
Rule of FiveFight in a battle with 4 or more other factions!
Scout BreederBuild 100 Arthrox Scouts!
Scout Breeder IIBuild 500 Arthrox Scouts!
Scout Breeder IIIBuild 2500 Arthrox Scouts!
Still HumanPlay one game as Human!
Still Human IIPlay 10 games as Human!
Still Human IIIPlay 100 games as Human!
Too Much to HandleFight in a battle with 7 other factions!
TurtleBuild 5 weapon platforms!
Turtle IIBuild 25 weapon platforms!
Turtle IIIBuild 125 weapon platforms!
VirusColonize five planets in one turn!
Voices In My HeadPlay one game as Arthrox!
Voices In My Head IIPlay 10 games as Arthrox!
Voices In My Head IIPlay 100 games as Arthrox!