Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AdamantiumFind the Lightning Claw.
Anything FormedFind the Plasma Gun.
Apothecary OrdyssFind Brother Ordyss.
Brother BarathonFind Brother Barathon.
Brother KaelFind Brother Kael.
Brothers In ArmsFind all of Squad Scipio.
Come Get SomeFind the Chainsword.
Epistolary RadamusFind Librarian Radamus.
Fist of DornFind the Thunder Hammer.
Get to tha' Stompa!Get inside an Ork Stompa.
Gordon's AliveFind the Blessed Blade.
Herald of DeathDestroy the Herald of Oblivion.
Herald of LifeDestroy the Herald of Oblivion and live.
Herald of ShameEscape the Herald of Oblivion.
Hidden ArcheotechFind a Signum.
Sabotage ReactorsSabotage the plasma reactors.
Sabotage WarpsSabotage the ancient warp-field generators.
Saxon HaroldFind the Master-crafted Storm Bolter.
Sergeant ValeriusFind Sergeant Valerius.
Sword of AncientsFind the Relic Blade.
Sword of OmensFind the Power Sword.
Toasty FalsettoFind the Heavy Flamer.
Unlikely AllyMy enemy is my friend!.
Zathael's FuryTrick a dreadnought to its doom.