King's Bounty: The Legend (PC)

Various Codes

Press [Shift] + ~ during game play in Adventure mode to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Set gold amountmoney [number]
Set leadershipleadership [number]
Double troops in indicated slotdoublearmy [1-5]
Double all troopsdoublearmy
All level 1 spells in your spellbook and 7 of each spell in scroll formmagicbook
Get indicated number of all three runesrune [number]
Get indicated number of crystalscrystal [number]
Get indicated levelslevelup [number]
Increase maximum mana by indicated numbermana [number]
Refill manamana
Increases maximum rage by indicated numberrage [number]
Refill ragerage
Level your spiritsspirit [1-30]
Remove wife and childrenclearwife
Rename your heroname [name]
Spawn boat if already purchasedboat