Achievement | How to unlock
Army of One | Completed a round using just one hero.
Atheist | Did not use any Priests or Paladins in an entire level.
Brute Force | Completed a round with only Swordsmen.
Dead and Back Again | Resurrected a single hero more then once.
Death is Temporary | Resurrected all units who die in a round.
Deathless Victory | Completed a round without any hero deaths.
Divine Intervention | Killed two or more enemies with holy bolt.
Familiar Cruelty | Let at least ten Familiars die.
Heal Master | Healed all damage taken in a round.
Holier than Thou | Completed a round with only Paladins.
Homogeneous | Received all nine hero awards.
Last One Standing | Completed a round with only one hero surviving.
Leave No Soldier Behind | Resurrected all units who died in the entire level.
Lich King | Raised at least thirty Skeletons.
Lich Lord | Raised at least twenty Skeletons.
Lich Prince | Raised at least ten Skeletons.
Masochist | Did not use any healing in entire level.
Master of the Elements | Completed a round with only Elementalists.
Near Death Experience | Each unit that almost dies in a round.
Necro Master | Completed a round with only Necros.
Never Give up | Defeated at least one hundred times.
Nothing to See Here | Feigned death with no other heroes left.
Painless Victory | Completed a round with out a hero getting hurt.
Painless World | Completed a level without any heroes getting hurt.
Perfect Game | Completed game without any defeats.
Perfect World | Completed a level without any defeats.
Persistent | Defeated at least twenty times.
Rain of Pain | Completed a round with only Archers.
Shiver me timbers | Completed a round with all Pirates.
Skill Seeker | Completed round with unspent skill points.
Speaks with Trees | Completed round with only Druids.
Sssweeet Ssssuccessss | Completed a round with only Monks.
Stubborn | Defeated at least fifty times.
Summoner | Summoned at least ten Familiars.
The Sound of Music | Completed a round with only Bards.
Thrill Seeker | Completed a round without using at least 60 gold and using less then 9 units.
World Heal Master | Healed all damage taken by heroes in a entire level.
World Peace | Completed a level without any hero deaths.