Achievement | How to unlock
Destroy 1000 enemies | Destroy 1000 enemies.
Destroy 15000 enemies | Destroy 15000 enemies.
Destroy 8000 enemies | Destroy 8000 enemies.
Full Constructor | Build 250 towers.
Hang by a thread | Win with less than 5% of the heart's HP.
Hang by a thread | Win with less than 5% of the ship's HP.
Happy Piggy bank | Collect 15000 coins.
I guess I can play the lottery | Win with the green ship.
In one piece | Clear a stage without taking damage.
It wasn't just a dream | Win with the blue ship.
Junior Constructor | Build 100 towers.
Looking for the best | Make a maximum upgrade.
Senior Constructor | Build 500 towers.
Starting an Economy | Collect 5000 coins.
Sweetening the universe | Win with the pink ship.
The sadness didn't even have a chance | Win with the yellow ship.
They're not good in your pocket III | Use 100 power-ups.
They're not good in your pocket II | Use 50 power-ups.
They're not good in your pocket I | Use 10 power-ups.
Time to break out the piggy bank | Collect 30000 coins.
Training | Complete the tutorial.