Achievement | How to unlock
A Souvenir | Find a souvenir from the North for Nain Singh.
A Special Gift | Find a piece of jewellery for Strickland.
A Special Invitation | Visit Lurgan Sahib's shop.
Allahabad | Visit Allahabad.
Amritsar | Visit Amritsar.
Benares | Visit Benares.
Bikanir | Visit Bikanir.
Dehra Dun | Visit Dehra Dun.
Delhi | Visit Delhi.
Ferozepore | Visit Ferozepore.
Fore and Aft | Write to the authorities.
Ghost Story | Find Jack Endor.
Jeysalmir | Visit Jeysalmir.
Leh | Visit Leh.
Letter from a Friend | Meet the friend from the letter.
Loafers | Find Daniel Dravot on a train.
Lucknow | Visit Lucknow.
Matter of a Private | Find Corporal Slane.
Morrowbie Jukes | Kill Gunga Dass for Morrowbie Jukes.
Mussoorie | Visit Mussoorie.
Only a Subaltern | Get medicine for Bobby Wicks.
Peshawur | Visit Peshawur.
Phantom Rickshaw | Speak to Dr Heatherlegh about Jack Pansay.
Rescue of Pluffles | Find Subaltern Pluffles.
River of the Arrow | Find the River of the Arrow.
Saharunpore | Visit Saharunpore.
Sarnath | Visit Sarnath.
Simla | Visit Simla.
Taking Lungtungpen | Find Terence Mulvaney.
The Dissident | Pay a visit to the dissident's backer.
The Five Kings | Take lama to hide in mountains.
The Game | Visit Colonel Creighton.
The Kulu Sahiba | Visit the Kulu Sahiba.
The Mavericks | Go to school at Father Victor's request.
The Pundit | Find the mysterious doctor.
The Sahiba's Son | Speak to the Kulu Sahiba's son.
The Secret Map | Meet the Jain priest.
The Vellum Ledger | Find the Commissariat Sergeant.
The White Stallion | Deliver a message in Umballa.
The Wonder House | Take the lama to the Wonder House.
Umballa | Visit Umballa.
Wayside Comedy | Speak to Mrs Vansuythen.
Wressley of the FO | Find Mr Wressley.