Kill To Collect (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All According To PlanKill an enemy with the last bounce of the laser disc.
BBQSet fire to 3 enemies with one Incendiary Grenade.
CampaigningComplete all chapters of the campaign in any way you like.
Chain AdeptLand 20 consecutive attacks in a row without taking damage.
Chain MasterLand 50 consecutive attacks in a row without taking damage.
Challenge CompletedBeat a Challenge Room without taking any damage.
Challenge Room MasterClear every challenge room in a bounty without dying.
Complete Warzone Block 1 (hard)Complete Warzone Block 1 on hard difficulty.
Complete Warzone Block 1 (normal)Complete Warzone Block 1 on normal difficulty.
Complete Warzone Block 2 (hard)Complete Warzone Block 2 on hard difficulty.
Complete Warzone Block 2 (normal)Complete Warzone Block 2 on normal difficulty.
Completed a "One Try" ChallengeComplete a "One Try" Challenge.
Completed a Repeatable ChallengeComplete a Repeatable Challenge
CrusherKill three enemies in one bull rush.
DeshieldedKill a Defender with the Handcannon
EntanglementStrangle someone to death with the LazerWhip
Flame On!Kill 15 enemies with a Flamethrower.
Geoshelter Alpha TypewriterKill 20 enemies with the Plasma gun.
HookedHookshot 15 enemies.
I Can See Right Through YouHit 4 enemies with one railgun shot.
Incoming!Have an Artillerist die by his own grenades.
Ironfist CompletionistComplete the campaign as Ivan Ironfist.
Ironfist Warzone AdeptComplete Warzone Block 3 on normal difficulty as Ivan Ironfist.
Ironfist Warzone MasterComplete Warzone Block 3 on hard difficulty as Ivan Ironfist.
Ivan Ironfist HardComplete the campaign with Ivan Ironfist on Hard difficulty.
Jump ropeKill 8 enemies with one Lazer Cutter.
Just In TimeRevive a friend with less than 1sec left on the timer.
Katana CompletionistComplete the campaign as Kate Katana.
Kate Katana HardComplete the campaign with Kate Katana on Hard difficulty.
Kate Warzone AdeptComplete Warzone Block 3 on normal difficulty as Kate Katana.
Kate Warzone MasterComplete Warzone Block 3 on hard difficulty as Kate Katana.
King of The HillWatch yourself being placed first on a leaderboard.
Knocked downHit 5 or more enemies at once with Kate Katanas Crackdown.
Mass StunHit 6 enemies with one stun-grenade.
MeatgrinderKill 15 enemies with the Minigun.
One Trick PonyComplete a floor using just x -attack (Dodge is still allowed)
Pineapple!Blow 3 enemies up with a Grenade.
Plasma FieldKill 3 enemies with one use of Ironfists ultimate ability.
Proxed!Kill 3 enemies with one Proximity Mine.
Riot CompletionistComplete the campaign as Riot Ray.
Riot Ray HardComplete the campaign with Riot Ray on Hard difficulty.
Riot Warzone AdeptComplete Warzone Block 3 on normal difficulty as Riot Ray.
Riot Warzone MasterComplete Warzone Block 3 on hard difficulty as Riot Ray.
Say Hello To My Little FriendHave your turret kill a Bounty Target.
Shocking CompletionistComplete the campaign as Shocking Shelly.
Shocking Shelly HardComplete the campaign with Shocking Shelly on Hard difficulty.
Shocking Warzone AdeptComplete Warzone Block 3 on normal difficulty as Shocking Shelly.
Shocking Warzone MasterComplete Warzone Block 3 on hard difficulty as Shocking Shelly.
ShreddedKill an enemy in a factory shredder.
Sparks Are FlyingElectrify 6 enemies with one Electric Grenade.
Speed MasterComplete a (not challenge, not tutorial) bounty in 350s or less.
Speed RunnerComplete a floor ( not tutorial ) in 90s or less.
That's a BeautyKill 4 or more with one rocket using the Rocket Launcher.
Thorough KillerGib one of every enemy in the game.
Turret FrenzyDeploy 4 turrets in a fight
Whip It GoodKill a Vanguard with a whip
You're FiredKill a friend with the Rocketlauncher