Killing Room (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Animal AbuseKill 5 ducklings.
AnomalyWin Killing Room.
Been ThereComplete 25 rooms.
BorgGet Nano-bugs version 3.
Born to RunMax your Stamina stat.
ClouseauSolve 10 puzzles.
CollectorTake 10 rare items.
DeanKill 10 boss creatures.
DemonKill 1000 enemies.
Done ThatComplete 1000 rooms.
Duck HuntKill 20 ducklings.
Geek with friends? Impossible!Get one item from real viewers.
Good TasteTake 5 rare items.
GraverobberOpen 10 coffins.
GRC NemesisKill 2000 enemies.
HoarderTake 50 items.
HousePick up 100 medkits.
I like it hard!Win game on Hard mode.
I Never MissMax your Accuracy stat.
I'm Feeling SupersonicMax your Speed stat.
It PaynesPick up 20 medkits.
KillerKill 500 enemies.
Last BearKill enemy while being trapped in Bear Trap.
LegendWin Killing Room 5 times.
MishaKill 50 boss creatures.
Mr. DramaticSolve puzzle in last 5 seconds of countdown.
Pawn StarTake 3 legendary items.
PETA petSave 20 ducklings.
Planet DestroyerMax your Damage stat.
PunchingBagMax your Health stat.
QuiterKill yourself in Suicide Booth.
RebelFinish the game with at least 10 Trouble items in inventory.
Seen ThatComplete 250 rooms.
SherlockSolve 50 puzzles.
Too close for comfortCover otherwise deadly hit.
Treasure HunterTake 5 legendary items.
TremorsKill Duna Boss.
Unlimited Gun WorksMax your Magazine stat.
Vampire SlayerOpen 50 coffins.
VegetarianSave 5 ducklings.
Welcome to Killing RoomDie 10 times.
Well EquipedTake 20 items.
You are supposed to win, you know?Die 50 times.