Killing Floor Incursion (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Alone in the DarkBeat Catacombs in Solo.
Better Living Through Mad ScienceBeat Biotics in Solo.
Big Trouble in Little ZedvilleKill a Husk with a thrown knife.
Blood HarvestBeat Farmhouse in Solo.
Both Ways, Through Ten Feet of SnowKill a Fleshpound with only knives and pistols.
Bringing a Knife to a Chainsaw FightKill a Scrake with only knives.
Bullets-For-Everyone TimeGet 5 kills while in Zed Time.
Cheap ShotKill a boss in Holdout in 1 shot.
Fashion KillsBeat Paris in Solo.
Gunplay is the Best PlayBeat a map with only guns.
Holdout BronzeGet 2000 points in Holdout.
Holdout DiamondGet 10000 points in Holdout.
Holdout GoldGet 7000 points in Holdout.
Holdout SilverGet 5000 points in Holdout.
I Think I'm a Clone NowBeat Biotics in Co-op.
It Slices, it Dices, it Flies!Kill a Zed at long range with a thrown knife.
Just a Flesh WoundCompletely dismember a Zed.
More Hands Make Light SlaughterBeat Farmhouse in Co-op.
Never Go Caving AloneBeat Catacombs in Co-op.
Paris is for Lovers... of CarnageBeat Paris in Co-op.
Stop Hitting YourselfDual-wield Zed limbs.
Throw the Grenade, Not the PinBlow yourself up with a grenade.
Up Close and PersonalBeat a map with only melee attacks.
You Ain't Got Time to BleedRevive your partner in co-op.
You Got Anything Harder?Beat game on Hardcore (Hard mode)