Just A Cleric (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Winner is You!Beat the game.
Big SpenderBuy something worth $300 or more.
Bless this MessBless any piece of gear at the church to +5.
Bow and WidowKill the black widow with any bow or crossbow.
Cardinal SinKill an endangered cardinal, but not in real life.
Failure at FourteenFail any mission where possible.
Gold MedalPick up a gold-level piece of gear.
Good for Gamblin'Meet Booger Myers and his piggy wagon.
Hammer SmithUpgrade any piece of gear to +4.
Holy Hardcore!Beat the game in Hardcore mode. Yikes!
Holy Moly!Reach level 13 to fill your prayer book.
How's it Feel?!Kill the cult leader with any dagger.
It's in the Song!Die, and get it out of the way.
LoadedAmass $1000. Wee Hoo!
Punch n' JudyKill the albino bat with your bare fists.
River MonsterKill a Giant Catfish.
Space MakerSell something to the shop and free up a spot in your backpack.
Statastical!Build your total stats to 50 or more!
Stumped!Get a squirrel to swap out an item on the town's tree stump.
Surfin' ClericPlay guitar with the Booger Myers Band.
The Real DealKill the demon super boss!!
You're STILL a Cleric!Beat NG+
You're.. Just a Wizard?!Buy a wand from the enterprising wizard.