Jungle Guardians (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Animal Saviour IRelease animal
Animal Saviour IIRelease animal
Animal Saviour IIIRelease animal
Animal Saviour IVRelease animal
Animal Saviour VRelease animal
Architect IBuild structures
Architect IIBuild structures
Architect IIIBuild structures
Architect IVBuild structures
Architect VBuild structures
ArjunUnlock Arjun
Bushmen ICut bushes
Bushmen IICut bushes
Bushmen IIICut bushes
Bushmen IVCut bushes
Bushmen VCut bushes
Cleaner IClean trash
Cleaner IIClean trash
Cleaner IIIClean trash
Cleaner IVClean trash
Cleaner VClean trash
Cook ICook dishes for animals
Cook IICook dishes for animals
Cook IIICook dishes for animals
Cook IVCook dishes for animals
Cook VCook dishes for animals
Crafter ICraft items in the Workshop
Crafter IICraft items in the Workshop
Crafter IIICraft items in the Workshop
Crafter IVCraft items in the Workshop
Crafter VCraft items in the Workshop
Decorator IPlace new decorations
Decorator IIPlace new decorations
Decorator IIIPlace new decorations
Decorator IVPlace new decorations
Decorator VPlace new decorations
Dendrologist IExplore trees
Dendrologist IIExplore trees
Dendrologist IIIExplore trees
Dendrologist IVExplore trees
Dendrologist VExplore trees
Farmer IPlant fruit trees
Farmer IIPlant fruit trees
Farmer IIIPlant fruit trees
Farmer IVPlant fruit trees
Farmer VPlant fruit trees
Fighter IBanish enemies
Fighter IIBanish enemies
Fighter IIIBanish enemies
Fighter IVBanish enemies
Fighter VBanish enemies
Forester IPlant trees
Forester IIPlant trees
Forester IIIPlant trees
Forester IVPlant trees
Forester VPlant trees
KimUnlock Kim
LindaUnlock Linda
Lumberjack ICut trees
Lumberjack IICut trees
Lumberjack IIICut trees
Lumberjack IVCut trees
Lumberjack VCut trees
Modest IGain grant funds
Modest IIGain grant funds
Modest IIIGain grant funds
Modest IVGain grant funds
Modest VGain grant funds
Museum Enthusiast IDeliver collections
Museum Enthusiast IIDeliver collections
Museum Enthusiast IIIDeliver collections
Museum Enthusiast IVDeliver collections
Museum Enthusiast VDeliver collections
Passionate IGet diamonds
Passionate IIGet diamonds
Passionate IIIGet diamonds
Passionate IVGet diamonds
Passionate VGet diamonds
Patron IBuy items in the Supply Center
Patron IIBuy items in the Supply Center
Patron IIIBuy items in the Supply Center
Patron IVBuy items in the Supply Center
Patron VBuy items in the Supply Center
Ranger IFeed animals
Ranger IIFeed animals
Ranger IIIFeed animals
Ranger IVFeed animals
Ranger VFeed animals
TomekUnlock Tomek
Vet IProduce medicaments
Vet IIProduce medicaments
Vet IIIProduce medicaments
Vet IVProduce medicaments
Vet VProduce medicaments