Jump! Jump! Jump! (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Afraid Of WaterScore 30 in a single game.
Bouncing CubesPlay 10 times with Cubes.
Box EscapistPlay 10 times with Empty Box.
Cubic GelatinePlay 5 times with Jelly Cube.
Elastic LetterPlay 10 times with Cross.
Gimme A CrossPlay 5 times with Cross.
JellyCubeJumperPlay 10 times with Jelly Cube.
Jumper!Score 50 in a single game.
Odd OozePlay 5 times with Cubes.
Spring BoxPlay 5 times with Empty Box.
Up, Up and Away!Score 120 in a single game.