Jolly Rover (PC)

Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Adventure GamerCompleted game without hints
BallooningEscape in a hot air balloon
Captain RoverSailed to Shipwreck Island
Clown PirateDefeated desilver
Coin CollectorFound all pieces of eight
Cracker PackerFound all crackers
Dashing EscapeEscaped howell's ship
Flag WaverFound all pirate flags
Invented TrampolineInvented the trampoline
MasqueradeInfiltrated pirate stockade
Maximum ScoreEarned maximum score
Skull Cracker3x coconut knock-out
Treasure!Found silvereye's treasure
Turtle SteedRode a sea turtle
Yo Ho HoJoined a pirate crew