Jacob Jones And The Bigfoot Mystery: Episode Two (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the listed task to unlock the corresponding Steam achievement. To view your achievements and statistics in the Steam client, select "Community", then search for the "Jacob Jones And The Bigfoot Mystery: Episode Two (PC)" game hub. Select the "View Stats" drop down option, then choose the option for your username's achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Bridge Too FarConstruct the bridge.
A Helping HansCollect All 10 Gophers.
Conundrum ContinuedComplete Episode 2.
Dam BusterFind the Secret Soda can at the Dam.
Dr PuzzlerComplete all the puzzles in Episode 2.
Every Lil' HelpsCollect 15 soda cans.
Feed Me SeymourFind the hidden cans in the potted plants.
Finished SymphonyComplete 'Symphony of Stone' in 5 moves or less.
For You No ChargeHelp the Beavers.
Friends ReunitedHelp Jeremiah complete his lifes work.
Hen PartyCollect all 13 Gnatnobblers.
It's a Magic NumberComplete 7 Puzzles.
Jammy DodgerComplete 'JamtasticBore' in 9 moves or less.
LumberJackFind the secret soda cans behind some logs.
Never Ending StoryComplete 'Happily Ever Rafter' in 56 moves or less.
Out of a JamComplete the First Puzzle.
Path FinderOpen the gate between the FireBreak Creek and the Mill.
Planks AlotComplete 'A Pair of Planks' in 12 moves or less.
Radical RecyclerCollect 50 soda cans.
Without MeritEarn 30000 merits.
You've Got MailFind the Secret soda can in the mail box.