Achievement | How to unlock
A real hero | Receive three stars for each level of the game.
Collector | Smash all secret objects.
Eureka! | To understand the reasons for what is happening.
Freebie Lover | Collect fifty Bonus Crates.
Last man standing | Withstand a wave without building a single turret.
Long way home | Evacuate from the planet.
Nice to meet you! | Find out the names of the developers.
One punch | Destroy five flying drones in one shot, using the powershot from your drone.
Pyrrhic Victory | Win after taking at least 90% damage to the base.
Ready for battle | Complete the tutorial.
Scooper | Build up all platforms on the level with third level turrets.
Senior Engineer | Fully upgrade any three upgrade branches.
Sower of Chaos | Use any superweapon twenty times.
Treasurer | Earn over 5000 resources with the help of crystal miners.
Who needs these turrets? | Destroy hundred robots with a drone.
You shall not pass! | Destroy the enemy with a drone right in front of the base.