Immortal Love: The Price of a Miracle (PC)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All-Seeing EyeUse 65 items without a hint.
Almost ThereOne step away from the Baroness.
Attentive ListenerWatch 40 cinematic scenes without skipping.
Connoisseur of AntiquesGet the artifact.
Deft HandsFind eight hidden objects in 14 seconds.
DetectiveDetermine the Baroness's motives.
Dragon KnightDefeat the Ancient One.
First AidStop Conrad's bleeding.
FrozenYou should have listened.
Great EscapeGet off the prison train.
Hawk-EyedFinish 10 Hidden-Object Puzzles with no hints.
Into the DarknessGet into the old mines.
Keeper of MemoriesComplete the main game.
Keeper of SoulsComplete the bonus game.
Kind HeartSave the bartender.
Memory CatcherListen to all of the artifact's stories.
Mistress of AbilitiesUse all of the special abilities.
Portraits CollectorRestore all the portraits.
Problem SolverSolve 18 mini-games without skipping.
Quick ThinkerEscape the falling carriage.
SprinterSolve 15 mini-games before the skip charges without leaving the puzzle.
SupersonicFinish 10 Hidden-Object puzzles in three minutes each.
True FirefighterExtinguish the fire.