I Know Everything (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AstronomerWin in the "Astronomy" category.
ChefWin in the "Cuisine" category.
EruditeWin a 60-question game against another player.
ExpertWin a 15-question game against another player.
Game masterWin a 60-question game against the computer.
GuruWin a game without making a mistake.
HumanistWin in the "Russian literature" category.
IntellectualWin a 30-question game against the computer.
Main menuVisit the main menu.
MathematicianWin in the "Mathematics" category.
PhilologistWin in the "World literature" category.
ProfessorGet to the top 10 for all players in single-player games.
ScholarPlay with no opponent and win a 30-question game.
SupermanGet to the top 10 for all players in multi-player games.
WinnerPlay with no opponent and win a 60-question game.