Achievement | How to unlock
2 for 1 | Unknown.
Adrenaline addict | Collect 100 adrenaline mixes.
At the edge | Unknown.
Awakening | Unknown.
Back in their places | Help the Madman and Criminal.
Bloodbath | Unknown.
Come here | Kill 10000 enemies with a melee weapon.
Complete First Level | Unknown.
Déjà vu | Unknown.
DOPPELHERZ | Max out an ability "Get max hearts".
Down the rabbit hole | Meet the Firefly.
Dreamer | Find all prototypes on six levels.
Empathy | Unknown.
Fear of the unknown | Unknown.
Game of shadows | Unknown.
Hearteater | Use 100 hearts.
I am Weapon | Kill 25 enemies in 2 seconds.
Kill 10 Enemies | Unknown.
Living nightmare | Unknown.
Lucid dream | Use all active abilities.
Moneybags | Collect 300000 souls.
Mr Fixit | Use every long-range weapon.
Puppeteer | Kill 2000 enemies by means of other enemies.
Pure reason | Unknown.
Quicksands | Cross the Desert of Lost Time.
Rampage | Unknown.
Shopping therapy | Unknown.
Sleepwalking | Walk through the Isles of Memories.
Song of fire | Unknown.
Song of ice | Kill 200 frozen enemies with an axe.
Stay away | Kill 10000 enemies with a long-range weapon.
Stronghold | Buy best armor.
The path of the Warrior | Complete Chief's quest.
Treasure hunter | Unknown.
Volunteer | Complete a side quest.
Wishmaster | Unknown.