Hyper Bowling VR (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Around the WorldPlay at Alien Alley, Riptide Bowl, Icy Lanes, Red Pin Lanes, and Paradise Alley.
EnthusiastBowl 20 games.
ExpertBowl 100 games.
Fast n' FuriousBowl at a speed greater than 20 MPH.
First SpareEarn your first spare in a game.
First StrikeEarn your first strike in a game.
Heatin' UpObtain a score of 100 or more in a game.
MasterBowl 200 games.
On FireObtain a score of 200 or more in a game.
Perfect GameObtain a score of 300 or more in a game.
ProfessionalBowl 50 games.
Stepping UpComplete your first game of bowling.
TurkeyEarn three strikes in a row.