Achievement | How to unlock
A Milk Dish Served Cold | Button had kittens.Shelly attempted to throw kittens out onto street,but were taken in by Jooseppi,were running another protest infront of OssifiedEgg.
American Pie | When Chief heard you'd put Adrien&Button away for good,&about incredible a job you'd done breaking case,he looked up&said:"get out of my office,Jones".
Bad Kitty | Button went away,&received no legal or financial support from Bundts ever again.Shelly adopted new orphan kitten to train in ways of prudishness&pomp.
Best Buddies | You beat the game without Franky ever seeing the inside of a jail cell. Truly the best of buddies.
Blast of Silence | All bang, no buck. Your hands are sweaty, but you know why.
Bubble Vacation | You broke a major case, and now Franky has a gun. You're not sure it was such a good idea to give gun to a cat, but - she's happy w/it shooting bubble.
Business As Usual | Adrien Fois went on to buy an even nicer suit, with gold threading hand stitched by a starving rat.
Cat Burglar | So THAT'S how the perps got into Ossified Egg. They're fun, too!
Employees Are Required | You beat the game with clean hands. Just like your momma taught you.
Fire Bug | The fiendish gleam in Franky's eyes when she sees the torch rounds tells you - never, ever let Franky have the torch rounds.
Flower Girl | The flowers make Franky sneeze, but you like them, so Franky can just deal with it.
Franky Hater | Shot Franky - an adorable, helpless, friendly little gumshoe - a bunch of times. Harsh man, harsh.
Goldie | They smell like angels ought to smell.
Gumshoe | You always wanted someone to call you a Gumshoe, but never figured it'd involve literal gum.
Gumshoe | You broke a minor case, and totally biffed a major one, but - still. You've got your jobs, and your partner is your best friend in the world.
Hot Tin | Tennessee Williams would be proud of you.
I Would Walk 500 Miles | You walked 500 miles worth of beat. Way to go!
I Would Walk 500 More | You walked 500 more. You're the Investigator who walked 1000 miles!
Key To Executive Washroom | In recognition of your valiant Investigative efforts across the multiverse's many timelines, Xtra Kleen awards you with key to the executive washroom.
Like A Cat | Button got reduced sentence of 5years,served 2,&walked out of prison's gates&into paws of Flynn. They had multiple litters of alley kittens.
Loose Cannon | It was all the Chief could do to keep Franky out of jail. You and her ended up with jobs as bussers at the Slice of Pi.
Sterling | They're what's inside of you. What's keeping you alive.
The Deathbed Conversion | Adrien Fois now wears t-shirts and suspenders, and his most beloved hobby is bowling.
The Fall Guy | As opposed to Max, he spent his 10 years in a white collar minimum security resort. They have conjugal visits, you know.
The Middle Manager | Upon his release,found his office at Hi-Table smelled curiosity of cat pee.Never found its source,&eventually forced to vacate his posh corner office.
They Cut A Deal | Xtra Kleen's timeline began with you. Extra-dimensional bathrooms everywhere owe their cleanliness to your achievement.
They Got Off Easy | Getting away with murder emboldened them, leading to a life of crimes numerous and far worse.
They Went Away | The Blind Mice went down for murder in the first degree, and were sentenced to life in prison.
They Were Never Here | The Blind Mice were never brought to justice, and in fact, you were only vaguely aware that "The Blind Mice" were a thing of which to be aware.
Toil and Trouble | The bubble rounds were probably a joke, but they seem useful, and Franky likes them, so - net win.
Wobbly MK 2/3 | Your non-lethal service revolver. An elegant weapon, from a more civilized age.