Horizon Odyssey (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
!Avoid being caught by any guards in Hovia Prison without turning on Easy Mode or Save Everywhere at any point.
All for OneObtain all characters.
Almost HardcoreComplete the entire game on Normal Mode.
Ancient Desire IIICollect all 99 Paradox Miasmas.
Ancient Desire IICollect 50 Paradox Miasmas.
Ancient Desire ICollect your first Paradox Miasma.
Ancient GrudgeDefeat The Scourge.
Ancient PowerCollect every Orb.
And the Law WonKill Tolvic.
Beyond the HorizonDefeat Bazael.
Brutal RevengeKill Salanthronos.
Counting the Cats in ZanzibarFind all Freedom Orbs.
Crack Open an Old One with the BoyObtain Steven.
DNA DestinedComplete the Hovia Institute.
Fought the LawConfront Tolvic in the Hovia Prison.
HardcoreComplete the entire game on Normal Mode and regular save settings.
Hide'n'Seek ChampionFind all the children? hiding in Prejuvia.
Horizon AchievedReach the outside world.
Horizon's EndReach the outside world after a confrontation with Tarlv.
Moves Like JaggerGet the Cobalt Trinket.
Shady Business PracticesBuy the mystery item from the man in Prejuvia.
The Ascended HorseObtain the Horse Cloak.
Thinking with PortalsGet to the top floor of Karsia Tower Ruins.
TrailblazingLiberate Crescho.
Trial of the ScribeGive six books to the people of Vordenstople.
WanderlustObtain Garreth.
What the Heck Was That?Defeat Pid.