Hero Tale (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Animal LoverReach the Deamon lands without killing innocent animals.
Beast HunterSlay Leviathan.
BottomlessUnlock 1000 backpack slots.
Bounty HunterReveal every enemy loot.
Chosen oneGet all the final rewards.
DesecrationSlay the Unicorn.
Don JuanTalk to Witch 69 times.
End of the PathUnlock all skills on tree.
From head to toeFill every equipment slot.
Gifted oneFinish the game once.
Good sonBring father 12 daddy juices.
GraduateBuy all training from captain.
HighlanderFinish game without dying.
IP manDefeat Sensei before he hits you.
Inner DarknessDiscover the darkness within you.
Legendary mageMaster all spells.
Like father, like sonDrink 12 Dad's Juices.
MerlinReach 130 overall Magic.
Metal DetectorFind all hidden coins.
MuggleFinish game without spells.
Passionate OrnithologistDefeat the harpies before leaving the town.
RevengeBeat Prince using Sir Stick.
Robin HoodReach 100 overall Ranged.
Royal KnightEquip all plate armour.
Scent of AdventureLeave the Town.
Shouldn't have given me the swordDefeat the final boss using Wooden Sword.
SoloDefeat Brawlhopper bare handed.
Spiritual GuideListen to all the Druid's sayings.
Trade routeVisit every store in the game.
Who should teach whomLearn heal having four spells already.
Who should train whomWin a duel with the captain on the first try.
William WallaceReach 100 overall Combat.
Winter is comingBeat Enemies from Abandoned Bastion.
You again?Play the game 10 times.