Heroes of Delum (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
At least I have friends!Play with at least 1 player.
Basic defenseBuild your first tower.
CapitalistBuild 2 mines.
Closing the breachClose a rift.
Demon KillerKill 5410 enemies.
Getting hard...Win in hard.
Gift from the skyCollect a chest.
Hero of DelumWin in impossible.
Hero of HeroesSave a hero.
Heroes never die!Save 54 heroes.
I survived hellWin in hell.
Magic? MehWin a game without building any elemental tower.
MarathonWin 54 games.
My first adventureWin in normal.
Never enough towersBuild 54 towers.
Protector of DelumClose 15 rifts.
Survivor of DelumSurvive 15 minutes.
There is glory in deathDie while closing a rift (Secret)
This is ArtBuild 1337 walls.
Treasure for everyone!Share a chest with at least 1 other player.
Wealth for HeroesCollect 20 chests.
Work together!Close a rift with at least 1 other player.