Hello Kitty Island Adventure (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Bakers Dozen!Take Photos of 13 gudetama.
A New HomeOpen the Nature Preserve.
Adorned in FlowersCreate a Flower Crown.
Aquatic ChallengeCraft the Gold Reef Trophy.
Baking BlissUnlock 20 recipes at the Oven.
Behind the WaterfallThe Hidden Meadow.
Bog ChampRestore the Spooky Swamp.
Cabin CrazyRepair twenty five visitor cabins.
Candy ConnoisseurUnlock 10 recipes at the Candy Cloud Station.
Critter MasterCatch 100 Critters.
Definitely HauntedRestore the Haunted Mansion.
Delicious DessertsUnlock 16 recipes at the Dessert Boat.
Dinosaurs Not IncludedOpen the Resort Gate with Chococat.
Dozens Surely!Take Photos of 120 gudetama.
Egg-cellent ChefUnlock 14 recipes at the Egg Pan Station.
Everyone is WelcomeHave 20 Visitors at 5 Stars.
Everyone's BestieBecome Best Friends with 15 Characters.
Excellent EspressoUnlock 13 recipes at the Espresso Machine.
Floating ChallengeCraft the Gold Cloud Trophy.
Floral ChallengeCraft the Gold Meadow Trophy.
Floral PatternObtain a patterned flower.
Flower CollectorObtain 10 unique Flower Types.
For the Love of BakingCook 100 recipes.
Friendship ForeverFreed Big Challenges from his Icy Stasis and Re-united TOPHAT with his Best Friend.
Friendships RestoredReunite the Island Spirit with her Best Friends.
Happy HatteryPut a Hat on a Nul.
Happy Landing!Another Happy Landing!
HauntedFall through the floor of the Haunted Mansion.
Hello Bestie!Become Best Friends with Hello Kitty.
Master AnglerCatch 100 Fish.
Master of the RuinsComplete 20 puzzle rooms.
Mermaids are RealActivate the Mermaidifier.
Nap TimeUse a bed to change the time of day.
New HeightsA Paradise in the Clouds.
Open for VisitsUnlock a Visitor Cabin.
Paradise in the DesertRestore the Oasis.
Piza PerfectionUnlock 11 recipes at the Pizza Oven.
Rage ModeIgnited the Volcano with Retsuko's Rage.
Reef RevivalFully restore Rainbow Reef.
Regional ExplorerReach every Region on Friendship Island.
Rocky ChallengeCraft the Gold Gemstone Trophy.
Ruining RampageExplore the Red Hot Ruins.
Soda SatisfactionUnlock 14 recipes at the Soda Fountain.
Stick NationCraft the Golden Stick.
Stick RoyaltyObtain the Golden Crown.
Superb Gift GiverGive 50 3-star gifts.
Swampy ChallengeCraft the Gold Swamp Trophy.
Swing PartnersReboot the Dance Hall band.
Through Thick and ThinHave a character follow you to the lowest trench and the tallest peak.
Time for MilkHave Milk as a 5 Star Visitor.
Traveling PartyCompanion with one of your friends.
Tropical ChallengeCraft the Gold Seaside Trophy.
True GamerPlay All the Mini Games Around Friendship Island.
Volcanic ChallengeCraft the Gold Hothead Trophy.