Heat Guardian (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AlcoholicDrink 50 bottles of vodka.
ArmorerUse all weapons.
AxemanCollect 50 logs.
Back in the ranks!Finish tutorial.
Bitter cold!Be irradiated with ice anomaly.
Boom!To kill an enemy with a grenade.
BoxerTo kill an enemy with bare hands.
ButcherKill 10 enemies with an edged weapon.
Catch a grenade!Throw 50 grenades.
CuriousSearch through all documents.
Darkness is fear!Complete the game to activate the flashlight!
DeminerDefuse 10 mines.
Elected!Enter the vault.
First bloodDie for the first time.
For the Motherland! For...Kill 100 enemies with PPSh-41.
Gotcha!Blow up an enemy.
GunmanHit a target 50 times.
HunterKill 50 enemies with a crossbow.
IcicleFreeze to death.
Impossible!Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting.
KamikazeBlow yourself up.
KnightFind a sword.
MedicUse 20 medkits.
MinerSet 20 mines.
Oops...To wound friendly NPC.
Repetition is the mother teachingGo to the training level.
ScoutWatch through binoculars.
TricksterKill 50 enemies with a pistol.
Unexpected death!Blow yourself yp by a trip wire.
You're crazy!To die more than 100 times.