Hate Plus: Mutes Golden Days (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
-48 HOURS REMAIN-Finish the first day of any route.
Cooking by the BookTake an actual honest-to-god IRL photograph of the cake you're sharing with *Hyun-ae, and e-mail it to the developer! cake@hateplus.com
Deep Space TherapistRead every log file again with *Mute on day three.
Don't create a TIME PARADOX!Complete all three routes over the span of nine real days without skipping, LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO, GEEZE.
Have you tried doing a factory reset?Finish the game with the security AI in a default uniform, New *Mute!
I Heard You Like Visual NovelsFinish the game with your completely impossible AI harem!
Level Four Revive MateriaFinish the game with the security AI in traditional dress, *Mute!
Red and GoldStart *Mute's route and finish, as both a man and a woman.
Relationship status: it's complicatedFinish the game with your cute AI wife and/or completely platonic friend *Hyun-ae!
SEE YOU SPACE INVESTIGATOR...Finish your mission by arriving on Earth.