Happy (PC)


Stage password

These passwords can be found when you collected 5 Magic Spheres from a stage. *means this password cannot be aquired in the game, because the previous level has no blue spheres.

Hurry Up! (Fast Stage)forestofblackoaks
Manic Mines 1canyouseethemoon*
Manic Mines 2helecomesyuletide
Manic Mines 3whydoyoubulidmeup
Manic Mines 4 (Fast Stage)themanatetwosocks
Mighty Mountain 1thiefofprinces*
Mighty Mountain 2somethingfishy*
Mighty Mountain 3dontturnaround
Mighty Mountain 4yourkingandqueen
Top Of Terror 1carsareoftenbigger
Top Of Terror 2angrybearsaregreen
Top Of Terror 3 (FINAL Stage)sackfullofpotatoes
Wicked Village 1maximilliandrake
Wicked Village 2wheresthedamncat
Wicked Village 3donteatyellowsnow

Various Cheats

Type these cheats in the place where you type your stage password.

Disables all the cheats you are currently using.haxe-reset
Lets you carry 10 Happylanders with you, instead of the usual 5.haxe-fullcapacity
No bad guys.haxe-gohomebaddie
Opens the level exit blocks, so you can finish the level without saving any happylanders.haxe-opensesame
Stops the timer - you will have unlimited time to finish the level.haxe-splitseconds