Achievement | How to unlock
1 hour late | Win 5 time assault mode in normal game.
10 minutes late | Win 50 time assault mode in normal game.
1st shooter | Kill 150 opponents with a assault rifle in normal or rank game.
2nd shooter | Kill 80 opponents with a assault rifle in normal or rank game.
30 minutes late | Win 10 time assault mode in normal game.
3rd shooter | Kill 30 opponents with a assault rifle in normal or rank game.
4th shooter | Kill 10 opponents with a assault rifle in normal or rank game.
5 minutes late | Win 100 time assault mode in normal game.
Accomplished Bloodletter | Kill 150 opponents with the katana in normal or rank game.
Action Hero | Kill 300 opponents with a double handgun in normal or rank game.
Action movie hero | Kill 30 opponents with a double handgun in normal or rank game.
Adam division destroyer | Kill 1500 NPC opponents in campaign mode..
Adam regiment destroyer | Kill 700 NPC opponents in campaign mode..
Auto Fire | Win 1 time in normal game.
Autobiographer | Win 100 times in normal game.
Autograph Hunter | Win 10 times in normal game.
Basic of normal game | Play till end of 10 normal game.
Beginner’s Luck | Play until you reach level two..
Bounty Hunter | Kill 300 opponents with a lever-action rifle in a standard or ranked game..
Boy with a gun | Kill 10 opponents with a double handgun in normal or rank game.
Broken Ambition | Defeat Gustav during a campaign mode.
Bullet flood | Kill 80 opponents with a minigun in normal or rank game.
Bullet from hell | Kill 300 opponents with a minigun in normal or rank game.
Bullet Sprayer | Kill 80 opponents with the SMG in normal or rank game.
Bullet Storm | Kill 10 opponents with a minigun in normal or rank game.
Bullseye! | Kill 150 opponents with the sniper rifle in normal or rank game.
Campaign Grunt | Complete 1 stage in Campaign mode.
Combo Harvester | Perform 5000 combo attacks..
Convicted Arsonist | Kill 80 opponents with a flame thrower in normal or rank game.
Country champion | Win 500 times in rank game.
Cowboy Legend | Kill 300 opponents with a whip in a standard or ranked game..
Crow Hunter | Kill 80 opponents with a lever-action rifle in a standard or ranked game..
Deathmatch Seer | Kill 300 opponents with a flame thrower in normal or rank game.
Debut fighter | Win 1 time in rank game.
Deepening of normal game | Play till end of 30 normal game.
Dove Hunter | Kill 30 opponents with a lever-action rifle in a standard or ranked game..
Eagle Hunter | Kill 150 opponents with a lever-action rifle in a standard or ranked game..
Fire In The Hole | Kill 10 opponents with a grenade launcher in normal or rank game.
Furnace of hell | Kill 150 opponents with a flame thrower in normal or rank game.
Gizzard Blizzard | Kill 30 opponents with a grenade launcher in normal or rank game.
Gladiator | Kill 80 opponents with combat knife in a normal or ranked game..
Gladiator Amateur | Win 10 gladiator mode in normal game.
Gladiator Amateur Champion | Win 50 gladiator mode in normal game.
Gladiator Amateur Ranker | Win 25 gladiator mode in rank game.
Gladiator Amateur Ranker Champion | Win 100 gladiator mode in rank game.
Gladiator Debut | Win 5 gladiator mode in normal game.
Gladiator Pro | Win 100 gladiator mode in normal game.
Gladiator Pro Champion | Win 200 gladiator mode in normal game.
Gladiator Pro Ranker | Win 500 gladiator mode in rank game.
Gladiator Pro Ranker Champion | Win 1000 gladiator mode in rank game.
Gladiator Ranker Debut | Win 5 gladiator mode in rank game.
Green Piece | Kill 10 opponents with shot gun in a normal or ranked game..
GSF commander | Win 1000 team elimination matches in rank game..
GSF high rank soldier | Win 100 team elimination matches in rank game..
GSF low rank soldier | Win 5 team elimination matches in rank game..
GSF middle rank soldier | Win 25 team elimination matches in rank game..
GSF squad commander | Win 500 team elimination matches in rank game..
GSF train completed | Win 200 team elimination matches in normal game..
GSF trainee week 1 | Win 5 team elimination matches in normal game..
GSF trainee week 2 | Win 10 team elimination matches in normal game..
GSF trainee week 3 | Win 50 team elimination matches in normal game..
GSF trainee week 4 | Win 100 team elimination matches in normal game..
Gun Slinger Master | Achieve Lv 20 with Gun Slinger.
Gunslinger Code A | Win 500 rank games as Gunslinger.
Gunslinger Code B | Win 200 rank games as Gunslinger.
Gunslinger Code C | Win 100 rank games as Gunslinger.
Gunslinger Code D | Win 50 rank games as Gunslinger.
Gunslinger Code E | Win 10 rank games as Gunslinger.
Gurdian of Bar | Kill 80 opponents with a revolver in a standard or ranked game..
Gurdian of Bedroom | Kill 10 opponents with a revolver in a standard or ranked game..
Gurdian of Household | Kill 30 opponents with a revolver in a standard or ranked game..
Gurdian of Justice | Kill 300 opponents with a revolver in a standard or ranked game..
Gurdian of Town | Kill 150 opponents with a revolver in a standard or ranked game..
Intro. to Fireworks | Kill 10 opponents with rocket launcher in a normal or ranked game..
Is The Room Spinning? | Kill 150 opponents with a blunt weapon in normal or rank game.
Itchy Finger | Kill 150 opponents with the SMG in normal or rank game.
Jedi Knife | Kill 300 opponents with combat knife in a normal or ranked game..
Katana Wielder | Kill 80 opponents with the katana in normal or rank game.
Killer with a daggers | Kill 300 opponents with a double dagger in normal or rank game.
Killer with a fruit knife | Kill 150 opponents with a double dagger in normal or rank game.
Killer with a metal chopsticks | Kill 30 opponents with a double dagger in normal or rank game.
Killer with a toy dagger | Kill 80 opponents with a double dagger in normal or rank game.
Killer with a wooden chopsticks | Kill 10 opponents with a double dagger in normal or rank game.
Knife Dealer | Kill 10 opponents with combat knife in a normal or ranked game..
Knife Juggler | Kill 30 opponents with combat knife in a normal or ranked game..
Knife Master | Kill 150 opponents with combat knife in a normal or ranked game..
Less Talk, More Shooting | Kill 30 opponents with a minigun in normal or rank game.
Lethal Shot | Kill 80 opponents with the sniper rifle in normal or rank game.
Lighter from hell | Kill 30 opponents with a flame thrower in normal or rank game.
Mafia | Kill 150 opponents with a double handgun in normal or rank game.
Marksman | Kill 10 opponents with the sniper rifle in normal or rank game.
Master Swordman | Kill 300 opponents with the katana in normal or rank game.
Masterpiece | Kill 150 opponents with shot gun in a normal or ranked game..
Match from hell | Kill 10 opponents with a flame thrower in normal or rank game.
Mr. Bombastic | Kill 300 opponents with a grenade launcher in normal or rank game.
Multitasker | Kill 80 opponents with a shield in normal or rank game.
NAU commander | Win 1000 team death matches in rank game..
NAU high rank soldier | Win 100 team death matches in rank game..
NAU low rank soldier | Win 5 team death matches in rank game..
NAU middle rank soldier | Win 25 team death matches in rank game..
NAU squad commander | Win 500 team death matches in rank game..
NAU train completed | Win 200 team death matches in normal game..
NAU trainee week 1 | Win 5 team death matches in normal game..
NAU trainee week 2 | Win 10 team death matches in normal game..
NAU trainee week 3 | Win 50 team death matches in normal game..
NAU trainee week 4 | Win 100 team death matches in normal game..
Need more bullet | Kill 150 opponents with a minigun in normal or rank game.
Normal-match Dominator | Win 500 times in normal game.
Normal-match Wizard | Win 1000 times in normal game.
Official Cowboy | Kill 150 opponents with a whip in a standard or ranked game..
Part-time Cowboy | Kill 30 opponents with a whip in a standard or ranked game..
Penchant For Explosions | Kill 150 opponents with a grenade launcher in normal or rank game.
Piece Lover | Kill 30 opponents with shot gun in a normal or ranked game..
Piecemaker | Kill 80 opponents with shot gun in a normal or ranked game..
Pyrotechnist | Kill 30 opponents with rocket launcher in a normal or ranked game..
Rest in Pieces | Kill 300 opponents with shot gun in a normal or ranked game..
Right Between The Eyes | Kill 300 opponents with the sniper rifle in normal or rank game.
Right on time | Win 200 time assault mode in normal game.
Rocket Jumper | Kill 80 opponents with rocket launcher in a normal or ranked game..
Rocket Scientist | Kill 300 opponents with rocket launcher in a normal or ranked game..
Rocket Trooper Code A | Win 500 ranked games as the Rocket Trooper..
Rocket Trooper Code B | Win 200 ranked games as the Rocket Trooper..
Rocket Trooper Code C | Win 100 ranked games as the Rocket Trooper..
Rocket Trooper Code D | Win 50 ranked games as the Rocket Trooper..
Rocket Trooper Code E | Win 10 ranked games as the Rocket Trooper..
Rocket Trooper Master | Reach level 20 as Rocket Trooper..
Rocketeer | Kill 150 opponents with rocket launcher in a normal or ranked game..
Rookie Cowboy | Kill 10 opponents with a whip in a standard or ranked game..
Shadow Dancer Code A | Win 500 rank games as Shadow Dancer.
Shadow Dancer Code B | Win 200 rank games as Shadow Dancer.
Shadow Dancer Code C | Win 100 rank games as Shadow Dancer.
Shadow Dancer Code D | Win 50 rank games as Shadow Dancer.
Shadow Dancer Code E | Win 10 rank games as Shadow Dancer.
Shadow Dancer Master | Achieve Lv 20 with Shadow Dancer.
Sharpshooter | Kill 30 opponents with the sniper rifle in normal or rank game.
Shield collector | Kill 150 opponents with a shield in normal or rank game.
Shield Trooper Code A | Win 500 rank games as Shield Trooper.
Shield Trooper Code B | Win 200 rank games as Shield Trooper.
Shield Trooper Code C | Win 100 rank games as Shield Trooper.
Shield Trooper Code D | Win 50 rank games as Shield Trooper.
Shield Trooper Code E | Win 10 rank games as Shield Trooper.
Shield Trooper Master | Achieve Lv 20 with Shield Trooper.
Shield Wielder | Kill 30 opponents with a shield in normal or rank game.
Shoot First, Questions Later | Kill 30 opponents with the SMG in normal or rank game.
Silent Avenger Code A | Win 500 rank games as silent avenger.
Silent Avenger Code B | Win 200 rank games as silent avenger.
Silent Avenger Code C | Win 100 rank games as silent avenger.
Silent Avenger Code D | Win 50 rank games as silent avenger.
Silent Avenger Code E | Win 10 rank games as silent avenger.
Silent Avenger Master | Achieve Lv 20 with Silent Avenger.
Sparow Hunter | Kill 10 opponents with a lever-action rifle in a standard or ranked game..
Special shooter | Kill 300 opponents with a assault rifle in normal or rank game.
Staff Cowboy | Kill 80 opponents with a whip in a standard or ranked game..
Start normal game | Play till end of 1 normal game.
Strider Code A | Win 500 rank games as Strider.
Strider Code B | Win 200 rank games as Strider.
Strider Code C | Win 100 rank games as Strider.
Strider Code D | Win 50 rank games as Strider.
Strider Code E | Win 10 rank games as Strider.
Strider Master | Achieve Lv 20 with Strider.
Submachine Gun Fun | Kill 300 opponents with the SMG in normal or rank game.
Swordsmith | Kill 10 opponents with the katana in normal or rank game.
Target Practice | Kill 10 opponents with the SMG in normal or rank game.
The Best Defense Is a Good Offense | Kill 10 opponents with a shield in normal or rank game.
The First Step | Welcome to GunZ 2!.
Tick, Tick, BOOM! | Kill 80 opponents with a grenade launcher in normal or rank game.
Time assault ace | Win 5 time assault mode in rank game.
Time assault emperor | Win 500 time assault mode in rank game.
Time assault god | Win 1000 time assault mode in rank game.
Time assault king | Win 100 time assault mode in rank game.
Time assault lord | Win 25 time assault mode in rank game.
Trained fighter | Win 10 times in rank game.
Trainee Swordsman | Kill 30 opponents with the katana in normal or rank game.
Village champion | Win 100 times in rank game.
Village gunner | Kill 80 opponents with a double handgun in normal or rank game.
Warming Up | Complete the tutorial..
What day is it? | Kill 80 opponents with a blunt weapon in normal or rank game.
What’s My Name Again? | Kill 30 opponents with a blunt weapon in normal or rank game.
Where am I? | Kill 10 opponents with a blunt weapon in normal or rank game.
Where are you going? | Defeat Alexsei during a campaign mode.
Where is the floor? | Kill 300 opponents with a blunt weapon in normal or rank game.
Who need gun? | Kill 300 opponents with a shield in normal or rank game.
World champion | Win 1000 times in rank game.