Guns, Gore and Cannoli 2 (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Chop ShopDestroy 15 vehicles.
Drop The BallUnknown.
For Whom The Bell TollsKill a German soldier by dropping the churchbell on top of him in the 'Killing Fields' level.
Guillotine MasterKill 75 enemies with headshots.
HomerunSurvive the Raid using only the baseball bat.
I Really Don't Like ZombiesKill 500 zombies.
Killing SpreeKill 200 zombies.
MindblowingConsecutively kill 20 units with headshots.
Nazi HunterKill 200 German soldiers.
No Loitering!Simultaneously kill 5 enemies with the rocket launcher.
Quick DrawFinish the Thugtown level, using only the pistol.
Sweet ToothEat 50 cannoli.
Swinging BallsKill 5 ball-and-chain zombies in mid air.
Tanks A LotUnknown.
The Last DonUnknown.
The WidowmakerUnknown.
TimberKill 100 enemies with the chainsaw.
Undead HunterKill 100 zombies.
When Blood Hits The FanHave 20 enemies killed by propelling airvents in the 'Secret Base' level.
Wiseguy WhackerKill 150 Mafiosi.