Greedland (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Airdrop Collection IIUnlock 9 Airdrops.
Airdrop Collection IUnlock 6 Airdrops.
Assault Rifle ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Blow Torch ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Burst Gun ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Celestial AptitudeReach Lv80 (excluding endless mode)
Cluster GrenadeEvolve Grenade.
Complete Mission IIIComplete 60 missions.
Complete Mission IIComplete 40 missions.
Complete Mission IComplete 20 missions.
Damocles SwordEvolve Orbital Cannon.
Dash Ahead IIIUse Dash 4000 times.
Dash Ahead IIUse Dash 2000 times.
Dash Ahead IUse Dash 700 times.
Deep into DesertComplete the Desert Area VI.
Deep into JungleComplete the Jungle Area VI.
Deep into TundraComplete the Tundra Area VI.
Defeat Boss IIIKill 100 Bosses.
Defeat Boss IIKill 50 Bosses.
Defeat Boss IKill 10 Bosses.
Delving into GreedlandPlanet progress reaches 160.
Desert DominatorDesert's Progress reaches 100.
Desert ExplorerComplete a Desert mission.
Dominating GreedlandPlanet progress reaches 300.
Earthly AptitudeReach Lv60 (excluding endless mode)
Elite MercenaryMercenary level reaches 15.
End of DesertComplete the Desert Area X.
End of JungleComplete the Jungle Area X.
End of TundraComplete the Tundra Area X.
Epic MercenaryMercenary level reaches 35.
Equipment Collection IIUnlock 12 Equipment.
Equipment Collection IUnlock 9 Equipment.
Equipment ExpertGain 6 equipment in a run.
Equipment MasterGain 8 equipment in a run.
Evolution ExpertGain 6 evolved equipment in the end.
Evolution MasterGain 8 evolved equipment in the end.
Familiar with GreedlandPlanet progress reaches 240.
Flamethrower ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Fury ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
FuryReach Lv50 with the Power Armor in a run.
Gauss Rifle ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Greedy ExpertAchieve a score of 70000 (excluding endless mode)
Greedy MasterAchieve a score of 99999 (excluding endless mode)
Greedy WarriorAchieve a score of 40000 (excluding endless mode)
Guardian HMGEvolve Backwatcher.
Guardian ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
GuardianReach Lv50 with the Power Armor in a run.
Hyperblade FieldEvolve Forcefield.
Hyperion CannonEvolve Vulcan.
HyperprismEvolve Prism.
Infinite Plasma discEvolve Plasma disc.
Jungle DominatorJungle's Progress reaches 100.
Jungle ExplorerComplete a Jungle mission.
Laser Gun ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Legendary MercenaryMercenary level reaches 45.
Marathon Runner IIIMove 300000 distance in missions.
Marathon Runner IIMove 130000 distance in missions.
Marathon Runner IMove 35000 distance in missions.
Master MercenaryMercenary level reaches 25.
Mastermind ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
MastermindReach Lv50 with the Power Armor in a run.
Missile SwarmEvolve Raptor Drone.
Mod Collection IIIUnlock 40 mods.
Mod Collection IIUnlock 30 mods.
Mod Collection IVUnlock 50 mods.
Mod Collection IUnlock 20 mods.
Monster Cleanup IIIKill 500000 enemies.
Monster Cleanup IIKill 150000 enemies.
Monster Cleanup IKill 100000 enemies.
Novice of GreedlandPlanet progress reaches 80.
OmegaFlyerEvolve UAV.
Plasma Thrower ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Power Armor Collection IIIUnlock 6 Power Armor.
Power Armor Collection IIUnlock 4 Power Armor.
Power Armor Collection IUnlock 2 Power Armor.
Psy-ShieldEvolve Ion Shield.
RampageAchieve 14000 kills (excluding endless mode)
Ranger ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
RangerReach Lv50 with the Power Armor in a run.
Regular MercenaryMercenary level reaches 5.
Rocket Launcher ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Scatterstorm Gun ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Shopaholic IIICost 500000G.
Shopaholic IICost 10000 G crystals.
Shopaholic IVCost 50000 G crystals.
Shopaholic ICost 100000G.
Shopaholic VICost 150000 G crystals.
Shopaholic VCost 1500000G.
Shotgun ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
SlayerAchieve 18000 kills (excluding endless mode)
Submachine Gun ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
Testing the WatersAchieve 10000 kills (excluding endless mode)
Top AptitudeReach Lv40 (excluding endless mode)
Tundra DominatorTundra's Progress reaches 100.
Tundra ExplorerComplete a Tundra mission.
Unlock Equipment IIIPerform 2500 upgrades in missions.
Unlock Equipment IIPerform 1200 upgrades in missions.
Unlock Equipment IPerform 400 upgrades in missions.
Use Airdrops IIIUse 1000 airdrops.
Use Airdrops IIUse 500 airdrops.
Use Airdrops IUse 90 airdrops.
Use Skills IIIUse skills 1000 times.
Use Skills IIUse skills 600 times.
Use Skills IUse skills 150 times.
Valkyrie ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
ValkyrieReach Lv50 with the Power Armor in a run.
Vanguard ProficiencyComplete Tundra Area X in Midnight with it.
VanguardReach Lv50 with the Power Armor in a run.
Weapon Collection IIIUnlock 9 Weapons.
Weapon Collection IIUnlock 6 Weapons.
Weapon Collection IVUnlock 12 Weapons.
Weapon Collection IUnlock 3 Weapons.