Gratuitous Space Battles 2 (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Alien DesignerDesign at least 20 ships for all four races.
Battle architectHave more than 100 different players fight your challenges.
Battle HeroBeat all 10 campaign missions on medium.
Battle LegendBeat all 10 campaign Missions on expert.
Battle VeteranBeat all 10 campaign missions on medium.
ChallengerPost over 12 online challenges.
ConquerorBeat online challenges by 10 different players.
Cruiser KillerDestroy over 200 enemy cruisers.
Cultural AmbassadorBeat all 10 campaign missions with each of the four basic races.
Deadly DisruptionTake down 100 enemy shields using shield disruptors.
Dreadnought DestroyerDestroy over 100 enemy dreadnoughts.
ExplorerFight over 25 online challenges.
Fighter AceDestroy over 500 enemy fighters in a single battle.
Fly TrapDestroy over 1000 enemy fighters whilst caught in tractor beams.
Heroic VictoryBeat a mission with 10% or more honor earned.
IndestructibleWin a campaign battle without losing a single ship.
Legendary victoryBeat a mission with 25% or more honor earned.
Master of MissilesFire over 1,000 missiles in a single battle.
Missile ShieldNeutralise over 200 enemy missiles in a single battle.
Nuclear NemesisInflict over 10,000 radiation damage in one battle.
Oil BaronRefuel over 100 fighters in a single battle.
Positive ReinforcementRepair 1000 shield support energy in a single battle.
Prince of PlasmaLaunch over 1000 plasma torpedoes in one battle.
Ship ArchitectDesign 10 ships of every class type.
Shipyard ManagerDesign 100 ships.
Small is beautifulWin 10 battles without using a dreadnought.
Sneak AttackDeploy over 20 ships with a camouflage shield in a single battle.
Spanner KingCarry out mid battle repairs to over a hundred fighters in one battle.
Support ExpertField a fleet with over 50 support beams Installed.
The ScramblerScramble enemy ships with ECM over 500 times.