Grand Theft Auto 4: The Lost and Damned (PC)


Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore.

AchievementHow to unlock
Full Chat ( 70 points )Build Terry and Clay's toughness to 100%.
Get Good Wood ( 50 points )In the bike races, whack off 69 bikers with a bat.
One Percenter ( 5 points )Help Billy get his bike back.
The Lost Boy ( 25 points )Become leader of The Lost.

Extra Parking

The yellow parking spaces in front of safe houses you've acquired in the main story will carry over into the Lost and Damned content. Use these to save and repair vehicles.

Hokachu Bike

Beat twelve races in single-player to unlock the bike. Clay will transport it for you.

Spawn Vehicles

Bring out your cell phone and input the following phone numbers.

Spawn a Cognoscenti227-555-0142
Spawn a Comet227-555-0175
Spawn a FIB Buffalo227-555-0100
Spawn a Jetmax938-555-0100
Spawn a Sanchez625-555-0150
Spawn a Turismo227-555-0147
Spawn an NRG-900625-555-0100
Spawn Annihilator359-555-0100
Spawn Burrito826-555-0150
Spawn Double T245-555-0125
Spawn Hakuchou245-555-0199
Spawn Hexer245-555-0150
Spawn Innovation245-555-0100
Spawn Slamvan826-555-0100