Golden Lap (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Aero EraComplete all seasons from 1970 to 1979.
AquaplaningWin a race by only using wet tires.
Around The WorldComplete a race on every track.
As Gold As It Can BePerform a Golden Tune on all three parts of a car in a single Qualifying.
Aspiring EngineerPerform a Golden Tune.
Bottle Of ChampagneGet a Podium.
Bucket Of ChampagneGet 25 Podiums.
Cinderalla StoryWin a season with a team that started in last place.
DIYBuild a car part.
Don't Try This At HomeHave a driver achieve 1st place while having the 'Partied Too Hard' trait.
Double TunePerform a Golden Tune on both cars in a single Qualifying.
Elbow GreaseBuild five car parts.
Expert EngineerPerform 50 Golden Tunes.
Factory On StrikeWin a championship without building any new car part.
Flash In The NightWin a championship with team Night.
Gold MasterGet 10 Golden Laps.
Golden LapHave the fastest lap at the end of a race.
Golden TouchGet 50 Golden Laps.
Grand ChelemGet a Pole position in a Qualifying and a Race win while retaining the fastest lap.
Home Sweet HomeWin the championship with the whole team having the same nationality as the racing team.
Intermediate EngineerPerform 10 Golden Tunes.
It Is But A ScratchHave a driver survive 2 bad crashes during races.
Like FamilyWin three seasons with the same drivers.
Lord Of The PitComplete a pit stop in under 5 seconds.
Machine Over ManWin a season with two 0-cost drivers.
No Time For TantrumsIgnore a driver's complaint about their car.
On Top Of The WorldWin 50 Races.
Petrol CrisisFinish the race with less than half a lap of fuel.
Phoenix SongHave a team member retire.
Pinch PitterComplete a pit stop in under 8 seconds.
Pit BossComplete a pit stop in under 6 seconds.
Podium RegularWin 10 Races.
Pole PositionGet a Pole Position.
Pool Of ChampagneGet 100 Podiums.
Practice Makes PerfectSuccessfully Golden Tune a car part after having previously Overtuned it.
Qualifying ChampionGet 50 Pole Positions.
Repair ShopRepair all the parts of a car in a single Pit Stop.
Rubber FanaticUse every dry compound in a single race.
Sibling RivalryHave your drivers finish the championship on 1st and 2nd place.
Spendthrift Team PrincipalSpend your entire available budget.
Spoiled For ChoiceBuild 15 car parts.
Starting Line RegularGet 10 Pole Positions.
United We Stand Divided We FallHire the same team as the previous year.
WinnerWin a Race.