Godlike Burger (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
BUTCHERKill all visitors during the day.
CELEBRITYReach max Prestige.
CORRUPTIONISTSpend 10,000 credits on bribes.
CRIMINALCatch the eye of the police.
DEBTORCatch the eye of five Collectors.
FIRST BLOODMake the first kill.
GOURMETBuy recipes for all sauces.
GRANDMA WOULD BE PROUDPrepare hundred perfect burgers.
GRATITUDEEarn 10,000 credits from tips alone.
HELL'S KITCHENBuy all kitchen upgrades.
HIGH TECHNOLOGIESLevel all traps up to the maximum.
HONORS STUDENTFinish ten days with the best rating.
I'VE SEEN SOME...See all the races that inhabit the Galaxy.
INDIVIDUAL APPROACHServe all visitors during the day.
JACK OF ALL TRADESEnd the day with a rating S.
KEVIN!Activate a trap for the first time.
LAW-ABIDING CITIZENPay 10,000 credits' worth of bills.
MARTYRFinish fifty business days.
MASTER CHEFServe the first burger.
MISTER ALL THUMBSBurn 500 patties.
PATTY-KILLERBuy all chef upgrades.
PRUDENTPut 10,000 credits in the safe.
RAMBOFight off the police squad.
SCATTERBRAINLet fifty witnesses slip away.
TASTE UNTASTYCook hundred disgusting burgers.
TRAVELERVisit all planets in the Galaxy.
WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEATKill hundred visitors.