Glorious Companions (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Handful of CompanionsIncrease the size of your company to 5.
A Lesson in HistoryFind all historical statues.
A Pair of Wolf PeltsKill 50 wolves.
A Veteran of a Hundred BattlesWin 100 battles.
AppetizerKill 50 boars.
Choose ViolenceDeal a total amount of 1,000 damage.
Glorious CompanyIncrease the size of your company to 15.
Hoarding InstinctEarn 100k gold throughout the game.
I Still Don't Know What They SayKill 50 foxes.
It's Over 9000!Deal a total amount of 9,000 damage.
Oh, DeerKill 50 deers.
Pocket MoneyEarn 10k gold throughout the game.
Rolling In ItEarn one million gold throughout the game.
TaskmasterFinish 10 side quests.
Ten Good MenIncrease the size of your company to 10.
The Blood ChieftanFinish the Scarres Campaign.
The Champion of ValrenayFinish the Valrenay Campaign.
The Downfall of the CreatorDefeat Xandar's Wrath.
The First BloodWin your first battle.
The God of DeathDeal a total amount of 50,000 damage.
The Pawn of the KingFinish the prologue in the Valrenay Campaign.
The Pawn of the MarkedFinish the prologue in the Scarres Campaign.
The Scholar of TerscaraFind all Naalan statues in the entirety of Terscara.
The Scholar of the ScarresFind all Naalan statues in the Western and Eastern Highlands.
The Scholar of the ValrenayFind all Naalan statues in the Western and Eastern Lowlands.
The Taint of IndifferenceDefeat Shayan's Indifference.
The Taint of LunacyDefeat Dolgar's Lunacy.
The Taint of SorrowDefeat Lillian's Sorrow.
The Taint of TerrorDefeat Quazin's Terror.
The Tenth BloodWin 10 battles.
The Ultimate SlipperKill 50 spiders.
The WarbandIncrease the size of your company to 12.
Unbearable AchievementKill 50 bears.
VigilanteKill 50 bandits.
What Are You Doing? The Realm Is In Danger!Finish 50 side quests.