Achievement | How to unlock
A Handful of Companions | Increase the size of your company to 5.
A Lesson in History | Find all historical statues.
A Pair of Wolf Pelts | Kill 50 wolves.
A Veteran of a Hundred Battles | Win 100 battles.
Appetizer | Kill 50 boars.
Choose Violence | Deal a total amount of 1,000 damage.
Glorious Company | Increase the size of your company to 15.
Hoarding Instinct | Earn 100k gold throughout the game.
I Still Don't Know What They Say | Kill 50 foxes.
It's Over 9000! | Deal a total amount of 9,000 damage.
Oh, Deer | Kill 50 deers.
Pocket Money | Earn 10k gold throughout the game.
Rolling In It | Earn one million gold throughout the game.
Taskmaster | Finish 10 side quests.
Ten Good Men | Increase the size of your company to 10.
The Blood Chieftan | Finish the Scarres Campaign.
The Champion of Valrenay | Finish the Valrenay Campaign.
The Downfall of the Creator | Defeat Xandar's Wrath.
The First Blood | Win your first battle.
The God of Death | Deal a total amount of 50,000 damage.
The Pawn of the King | Finish the prologue in the Valrenay Campaign.
The Pawn of the Marked | Finish the prologue in the Scarres Campaign.
The Scholar of Terscara | Find all Naalan statues in the entirety of Terscara.
The Scholar of the Scarres | Find all Naalan statues in the Western and Eastern Highlands.
The Scholar of the Valrenay | Find all Naalan statues in the Western and Eastern Lowlands.
The Taint of Indifference | Defeat Shayan's Indifference.
The Taint of Lunacy | Defeat Dolgar's Lunacy.
The Taint of Sorrow | Defeat Lillian's Sorrow.
The Taint of Terror | Defeat Quazin's Terror.
The Tenth Blood | Win 10 battles.
The Ultimate Slipper | Kill 50 spiders.
The Warband | Increase the size of your company to 12.
Unbearable Achievement | Kill 50 bears.
Vigilante | Kill 50 bandits.
What Are You Doing? The Realm Is In Danger! | Finish 50 side quests.