Achievement | How to unlock
A scammer darkly | Defeat Evil Denny.
A whole new life | Get married.
Abuse no more | Overpower Lee.
Annie's fine | Defeat Evil Agent.
Beat that blobber | Defeat the Slime Lord.
Benefactor | Complete all town upgrades.
Best home | Fully upgrade your house.
Better home | Upgrade your house.
Blue metal | Upgade any tool with Octotinium.
Creme fraiche I | Ship 100 animal products.
Creme fraiche II | Ship 500 animal products.
Creme fraiche III | Ship 1000 animal products.
Crop tops I | Ship 100 crops.
Crop tops II | Ship 500 crops.
Crop tops III | Ship 1000 crops.
Debt? What debt? | Help Garry and Regina pay their debt.
Fisherman I | Catch 20 fish.
Fisherman II | Catch 60 fish.
Fisherman III | Catch 150 fish.
Forbidden passions | Witness James' and Bernadette's affair.
Golden animal | Win the animal contest.
Golden chicken | Win the chicken contest.
Goodbye Mr. Mayor | Make Otto commit suicide.
Goodbye old fool | Murder Tobias.
Husband killer | Murder Lee.
I hate blackmail | Give the photos to Otto.
I love blackmail | Give photos back to Joshua.
I now have a Greenhouse | Have a greenhouse built.
I've got you there | Save Tobias.
In pace requiescat | Discover Hermaeus Faradouchi's resting place.
Kain and abel | Side with Kain.
Lightning rider | Win the horse race.
Machinist | Build all machines.
Made it walk straight | Defeat the Last Smuggler.
Master Chef | Cook every possible food.
Mushroom dealer | Bring a mushroom to Lee.
New barn | Upgrade your barn.
New coop | Upgrade your chicken coop.
No more poison | Side with Lazarus.
Oh no I'm in | Get inside the Villa.
Robin Hood | Make a perfect score at the archery contest.
Ruined sentinel | Defeat the Automaton Knight.
Saw your abuse | Witness Lee abusing Matilda.
Skill mastery | Reach max level for any skill.
That was delicious | Win the cooking contest.
That was me | Defeat yourself.
The dream is over | Defeat the dream that dreams us.
The good wine | Witness Alice drunk.
Write that in your diary | Defeat the Mole King.