Giants: Citizen Kabuto (PC)

Display Frame Rate

Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'fr' to display your frame rate.

Full Base Energy

Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'basefillerup' to give your base a full energy supply.

Full Health

Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'pleasehealme' to regain full health.

Instant Gift Shop

Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'gimmiegifts' to create a gift shop instantly.

Instant Party House

Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'itsmyparty' to give yourself a party house.

Instant Smarty Work Force

Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'basepopulate' to instantly maximize your Smarty population.

Jackass Cheat

Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'iamajackass' to instantly copy all of these cheats to your site (ahem).

Sea Reapers Uncensored

Want to play using the Sea Reapers the way they were meant to be seen? PLEASE USE CAUTION, enabling this cheat involves removing a game file, and could corrupt your game installation if done incorrectly. Open up the directory where you installed Giants, and open the "Bin" folder found there. Find a file called "arpfix.gzp" and delete it, or move it to another folder on your computer. Sea Reapers will now be topless!

Show Entire Map

Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'mapshowitall' to reveal the entire map.

Speedy Base Construction

Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'basegoveryfast' to build your base more quickly.
Unlimited Mana
Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'ineedspells' to toggle unlimited mana on and off.
Unlock All Levels
Press T or Y (player chat commands) and enter 'allmissionsaregoodtogo' to unlock all of the levels in the game.