Ghost of a Tale (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Name to a FaceDiscover the name of every possible character in Dwindling Heights.
All Skilled UpLearn all skills in the adventure.
ArachnophobiaRid Dwindling Heights of all spiders.
Crash DietComplete the game without ever eating to regain energy.
Dodgy MouseComplete the game without getting hit by an enemy.
End to EndReach the end of the game.
Gusto and FataleComplete all of Gusto and Fatale's quests.
Handker-thiefSteal all of the Rat Guards' handkerchiefs.
Lake ShoreReach the desolate shore.
Like a GhostComplete the game without alerting any guards.
Lore MasterFinish every secondary quest.
Lost Hope FoundDiscover Duinlan's tomb.
Play AllPlay all songs during the course of the game.
The ArsonistSet fire to all inflammable items in Dwindling Heights.
The DraughtOpen all window shutters.
The Golden SuitComplete the full set of Duinlan's armour.
The Mushroom KingGather fifty-five mushrooms.
The PinnacleReach the highest point in the highest tower.
The ScholarUnlock forty-five footnotes.
UnboundEscape from Tilo's cell.