Gemini Wars (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Academic DefenderProtected Galileu's scientific teams
Big BrotherHelped the USF forces on Korvus
BombarderUsed an orbital super cannon
Captain SparrowBoarded a Gark station
ColonizerBuild 10 colonies
DefenderDefended Saruni system from an Alliance offensive
Drill SergeantTrain 150.000 marines in a single mission
EconomistExtract 100.000 Crystals
EntrenchedBuild 100 Heavy Turrets
Fleet CommanderControls 5 Battlesihips at the same time
Gemini HeroComplete the Gemini Campaign
Gunnery SpecialistUse a battleship special ability
Heavy HandDestroy 5 Colonies
Humanity ProtectorDestroy 500 Gark ships
InvaderCompleted the infiltration mission on Ngaxu
Killed the KillerDestroyed the Gark Planet Destroyer
People PersonProtected Dogar Prime's evacuation
RaiderDestroyed the Alliance forces on Giomos
SaviorRescued Admiral Robertz
SheriffDestroyed Roarke's stronghold
Sky MarshallControl 10 Fighter squadrons
SpeculatorExtract 500.000 Crystals
StrategistDestroy 500 enemy ships
TacticianDestroy 100 enemy ships
Team PlayerDefeated the Gark at Quelatrix
The SaintProtected the wounded on Heromon
The sword is mightierDestroyed the Gark Stargate
VIPMeet Admiral Ragnar
War MasterDestroy 1000 enemy ships
Xeno CleanerDestroy 100 Gark Ships