Gears 5 (PC)

Easy "An Enemy Among Us" Achievement

You will get Hijack ability in the beginning of Act 3 - Part 1. To get achievement, you need to hijack 4 types of enemies, and while they hijacked by Jack, they must kill someone. You can complete this one in Act 4, or in Act 3. Here is the list for Act 3.

Stump - Act 3 - Part 1, in the beginning (when you get part from Baird).
Elite Hunter - Act 3 - Part 2 in Rocket Facility, room with one hunter and few locusts with shotguns.
Warden - Act 3 - Part 2 in Rocket Facility (when you need to unlock the door), a little bit tricky but possible (in insane it's possible too). Leave Elite hunter alive and use control on warden.
Pouncer - Act 3 - Part 2 in Rocket Facility, first platform with satellites, two pouncers.

Easy "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" Achievement

You need to retrieve 5 heavy weapons via Jack's Fetch ability ("Fetch Heavy" - must be opened up in Core upgrades). Easiest way to do it - collect all of them in Act 2.

Tri-shot - Act 2 - Part 1 (first fight after generator)
RL-4 Salvo - Act 2 - Part 1 (near Silverback)
Mulcher - Act 2 - Part 2 (Train tunnel)
Buzzkill - Act 2 - Part 4 ("Nethercutt" Mine)
Cryo Cannon - Act 2 - Part 5 (Laboratory, before fighting boss)

Easy "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" Achievement

Start a game of Horde on beginner as Jack with bots, or a friend, and build a forge as quick as you can. You can build it right away if you start at a higher wave in the horde options. I usually start on Wave 18 or 28 to get some of the scion weapons. Here's the list of weapons you need to convert.

Boomshot - Dropped by Scions
Breaker Mace - Dropped by Warden
Buzzkill - Dropped by Scions
Claw Light Machine Gun - Dropped by Elite Drones
Cryo Cannon - Dropped by Scions
Dropshot - Dropped by Scions
Embar - Dropped by Snipers, or it can be purchased by Fahz
Enforcer - Dropped by drones, or anyone playing Del
Gnasher Shotgun - Dropped by enemies, or anyone playing Marcus, JD, or Kait
Hammerburst - Dropped by enemies
Lancer with chainsaw - Dropped by anyone playing Marcus
Lancer with Grenade Launcher - Dropped by anyone playing J.D
Retro Lancer - Dropped by anyone playing Kait or purchased by Marcus
Longshot - Dropped by Snipers or anyone playing Fahz
Markza MK1 - Dropped by enemies or anyone playing Fahz
Mulcher - Dropped by Scions
Overkill - Can be dropped by enemies, a teammate playing Del, or purchased by Kait
RL-4 Salvo - Dropped by DR-1's
Torque Bow - Dropped by Hunter Elites
Tri shot - Dropped by Stumps, Guardians, and DR-1's

Escape Mode

Your main goal is to destroy everything that's in the Hive with a gas bomb. The bomb contains venom poison so what you don't kill, the poison will kill for you. But keep in mind that the gas will not only kill the Hive but also you and your team. If you are too slow the gas will catch up to you. The bomb explodes in 60 seconds so you have a minute to get as far away as you can and then keep avoiding the gas.

When you escape the pod, the enemies won't be aware of this. You can kill many enemies in one minute but try to perform as many stealth kills as possible before the gas bomb explodes and everyone is aware of your presence.

The main reason behind this is to preserve ammo which is a big deal in Gears 5 Escape mode. Ammo management is key to success here so avoid using ammo to kill enemies before the bomb explodes. Make sure to mark enemies before a melee kills as it lets you deal more damage.

Escape mode is a great way to get comfortable with weapons you don't usually play with. Your favorite weapon will be out of ammo most of the time but you can pick up weapons from downed enemies. You can also share weapons with your teammates, just drop it for your teammate to pick up.

There are ammo areas around the map so do some exploration, the gas takes some time to reach you. These packs only give you ballistic ammo so don't expect grenades etc. If you can't find ammo, keep switching weapons by picking up enemy weapons.

In Escape mode, you can carry one sidearm, one primary, and one secondary weapon. We suggest keeping at least one shotgun with you. The map isn't huge and there tight spaces and area, a shotgun to the head can deal significant damage. Shotguns are also a good way to damage the Flock and Leaches. You can use Overkill to deal significant damage to both these enemy types.

When a Flock charges jump out of the way to avoid damage. Keep a track of its location to avoid being surprised by its attacks.

During the later part of the match, you will come across enemies that explode when they die, they are called Poppers and are new to the Gears universe. Do not melee kill these enemies and keep your distance. They love to explode near you.

Horde Mode Surviving

Leave one enemy alive so that you can pick up all the drops easily instead of having to race against the clock. Get familiar with all the weapons as you can run out of ammo so don't be reluctant to grab any gun you can find and start shooting.

Keep Longshot or Markza around to kills larger enemies which require some focused fire.

Do everything possible to save yourselves from sires. These nasty creatures will drag you away from your team for good which means you cannot be revived.

Scream, shout and beg for help from your teammates to help you out if one of them catches you because if they don't before the timer runs out. You'll be dead.

Secret Fish Stick weapon

In Act I: Shot In The Dark, after separating into two groups and going to the right, you will enter a sewer. At the starting area of the sewer (before going through the archway), shoot the four valves (two on the left side and two on right side) until they start smoking to spawn the Fish Stick weapon. This weapon runs out of ammo quickly. Once it runs out of ammo, your character will drop it. It can only be used again by reloading the chapter and activating the Easter Egg again.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Breath of Fresh AirSaved Hana from the Snatcher.
A Challenger EmergesUnlocked a reward in any Competitive playlist.
A Gear of Many TalentsCompleted a Versus match in each of Regency, River, Nexus, Clocktower, and Gridlock.
A Good Plan, Violently ExecutedExecute 100 Rejects (any mode)
A Mouthful of BoomHeadshot the Swarmak at the theatre.
A Nice Present For YouKilled an enemy using a planted Grenade in Gridiron mode.
A Real GearReached Re-Up 50.
A Very Particular Set of SkillsAcquire 30 Skill Cards of Level 3 or above.
A War That Will Be WonRe-upped 40 Times.
Absolute CarnageDealt Dealt 100,000,000 damage in Versus damage in Versus.
All Aboard the Crazy Train!Complete all Acts of the Campaign on Insane.
All of AllfathersWin a Versus round on every customized map piece in Allfathers Arena (9)
An Enemy Among UsGet a kill with a Hijacked Pouncer, Warden, Stump and Elite Hunter in Campaign.
And I'll Form the Head!Kill a Boss in Horde while all five players have active Ultimate Abilities.
And Stay Down!Eliminated 25,000 enemies in Horde or Escape.
And... He's All YoursUpgrade Del's New Best Friend.
BFFsComplete a Versus match with a team of four Level 5 Gears Allies.
Back AtchaGet a kill with ricochet bullets using Jack's Barrier Ability.
Back In StyleWon 10 matches of Execution.
Back on Your Feet, Soldier!Use Jack's Stim upgraded ability to revive a DBNO friendly in Campaign.
Bah! Child's PlayEscaped a Hive with Paduk.
Batista BombCompleted all chapters in one Act while Batista as Marcus is enabled.
Be Aggressive, DeviousRe-up 30 Times.
Beginning of a Beautiful FriendshipPlay a match of Arcade.
Ben Would Have Loved This ThingGot an elimination with the Scorcher.
Bernie is BackWon 5 matches with Bernie COG character.
Break Them. Brutalize ThemGot 1000 points in a Competitive match from ring breaks.
Breezing ThroughCompleted a match of Horde Frenzy on Turbine.
Brothers in ArmsCompleted 12 consecutive waves of Horde Frenzy with Baird and Paduk in your Squad.
Brought a Knife to a Gun FightComplete an Escape Hive without firing a shot on Master Difficulty.
Buying TimeUse the Scrubber Room to slow down the Venom in Escape.
Can't Stop, Won't StopBeat 50 Consecutive Waves of Horde (any difficulty)
Chamber of HorrorsCompleted a match of Horde Frenzy on Atrium.
Class ActReached level five on any one Assault, one Tank and one Support.
Close CallWin a Match of Arcade Blitz where the opposition team is within 25 points of winning.
Come From BehindBe 10 kills behind the leader of a Free For All round, then come back to win.
Compulsive HorderReach Character Level 15 with Infiltrator, Demolitions, Mechanic, Veteran, Marksman and Jack.
Controlled BurstsWon a Match of Horde Frenzy (any difficulty)
Cool Off, Baby!Killed 100 enemies using Brawler Class Flame Ability and Flame Skill Cards in Horde or Escape.
Corporal PunishmentReach the rank of Corporal in a Tour of Duty.
Covering FireGot 50,000 assists in Versus.
Cutting it CloseSecure the UIR rocket.
Decorated SoldierWon a match of Gridiron with an Operation 4 Hero or Villain.
Designation: ScorpioArrived at Sanctum to infiltrate the Heart of the Hive.
Destroy From WithinEscape all Operation 2 Hives on Experienced Difficulty or Higher.
Destroy Them, My ChildrenRe-up 20 Times.
Destroyed BeautyWon a Versus match on Ephyra.
DestructionDealt 60,000,000 damage in Horde or Escape.
Did We Just Become Best Friends?Reach Level 5 with an ally in Gears Allies.
Didn't Want to Look Too CivilizedCollect 20 Epic character skins.
Discovered the True Threat to SeraComplete all Acts of the Campaign (Any difficulty)
Dynamic DuoWon 10 Competitive Matches of 2vs2 Gnashers.
Efficient ExcellenceWon a Match of Horde Frenzy on Master Difficulty.
ElectrobladeKilled 50 enemies using Lahni's Electroblade Ability in the Hivebuster Campaign Expansion as Lahni.
Enter HivebustersCompleted all Chapters of the Hivebusters DLC (any difficulty)
Event PlannerWon 10 matches in Versus Events.
Expanded ExpertiseReach Character Level 15 with Combat Medic, Pilot, Gunner, Robotics Expert or Brawler.
Exterminating the HollowGot 100 eliminations in Nexus.
Eyes on TargetGot 12,500 assists in Versus.
Face the CreatureDefeated the Wakaatu.
Fresh GrubsCompleted a Featured Horde Map from Operation 4.
Fresh LineupEscape a Hive with a team of COG Soldier, Lizzie Carmine, Clayton Carmine, Baird or Cole.
Generally AwesomeReach the rank of General in Tour of Duty.
Gimme, Gimme, GimmeUse Jack's Fetch ability to acquire each Heavy Weapon in Campaign.
Go, Hunt In PacksRe-up 10 Times.
Grave ConsequencesWon a Versus match on Tomb.
Grind SeasonWon 25 Ranked matches in one Competitive Season.
Gun CollectorOwn 360 weapon skins.
Hi-Ho, SilverbackKill 200 enemies using the Silverback in Horde.
Highly CapableMaster an Operation 3 Escape Hive and Horde Map.
Hives: BustedEscape all Operation 3 Hives on Experienced Difficulty or Higher.
Homegrown HiveComplete a Featured community built Escape Hive.
HordeBustersComplete 50 Waves of Horde with Mac, Keegan and Lahni in your squad.
I Made It All By MyselfCreate and publish an Escape Hive.
I Was Born in a Crossfire HurricaneUse Jack's Flash ability to stun 3 enemies at once in Campaign.
I'm Rubber, You're Glue!Killed 100 enemies using Gunner Class Reflect ability in Horde or Escape.
I'm The Captain NowReach the rank of Captain in Tour of Duty.
IllustriousReached Character Level 15 with 10 Characters.
In Total ControlWon a Control and/or KOTH match on 10 different maps.
In the Name of...Acquire Character Skins for 3 different post launch Characters.
Ironed OutCompleted all chapters in Ironman Mode on Experienced difficulty or above.
It Takes Three to Make a Thing Go RightComplete an Act of Campaign in 3-player co-op.
It's Not Hoarding if Your Stuff is CoolCollect all Campaign Collectibles.
It's Time We Fight Them TogetherSave the Riftworm village.
JACKed Up!Fully upgrade Jack's Abilities and Passives in Campaign.
Jack of All TradesAcquire all of Jack's Ultimate upgrades in Campaign.
Jack of One TradeComplete an Act of the Campaign as playable Jack (any difficulty)
Jameson Shipping DepotFind a way into New Hope.
Just Showing it OffKilled 10 enemies using a weapon with a Custom Skin.
LOOTenantReach the rank of Lieutenant in Tour of Duty.
Last RitesWon a Versus match on Ritual.
Lay of the LandComplete a Versus Match on Allfathers Arena, Lift, Mid, Boxes, Nethercutt, Pit and Core.
Legendary OperatorReached Legend 25 in an Operation.
Let's Get You Some AnswersUse the Comm Towers to locate the hidden facility.
Let's Keep Pissin it Off!Survive the Kraken fight.
Let's Try That One Again, Shall We?Woke-up in the Med bay while escaping a Hive in Escape.
Line Them UpDefeat 10 different opponents in a Free For All Match.
Make 'em BleedDealt 30,000,000 damage in Versus.
Master Escape ArtistReach Character Level 15 with Tactician, Anchor and Blademaster Class.
Master of My DomainComplete a Launch Hive on each difficulty (The Hive, The Descent, The Gauntlet or The Mines)
My Body is ReadyComplete Boot Camp.
My Place in the MachineCompleted 5 Matches in a Competitive playlist.
New HivebustersEscape a Hive with Lizzie Carmine, Clayton Carmine, Baird or Cole.
New Island, New MissionArrived on Weilehi.
Not There to Buy a TimeshareLaunch the Rocket.
Nothin' But Bits!Killed 100,000 enemies in Versus.
Now I Gotta Get Up AgainReinforce Carmine at the Plaza.
Now We Understand Each OtherMaster All Featured Horde Maps from Operation 4.
On the Razor's EdgeGot five kills while inside Hivebuster Venom.
Once More From the TopRe-up!
One Sec, I'll Be Right BackSwitch characters in an Arcade match and kill an opponent who previously killed you.
One, Two, Three SortiesCompleted three Objectives for Tour of Duty in a day.
Operation: Ride the SnatcherCompleted the Hivebusters DLC in 3-Player Co-Op (Scorpio squad, dupes not allowed)
Optimal ArmamentsComplete a Match of Arcade Blitz as a Hero or Villain from Operation 2 or Operation 3.
Out of the Frying PanEscaped the Swarm-infested Sanctum.
Pass the SoapPass through a refuge shower with three Hivebusters in the same shower cubicle.
PaydirtScore a Touchdown with the Flag in GridIron.
Payload DeliveredEscaped all Operation 4 Hives on Experienced Difficulty or Higher.
Pennies from HeavenScavenge supplies from all fallen Condors in Act 2 and Act 3.
Perky's Revenge!Get a kill with 3 Perks active in Horde.
Places to Go, Monsters to KillWon a Ranked match in each of Regency, River, Nexus, Clocktower, and Gridlock.
Planned and ExecutedExecute both members of the enemy team within a round of 2vs2 Gnashers.
ProficiencyMaster an Operation 2 Escape Hive and Horde Map.
Protect This HouseGot a Denial on an Enemy while they were inside your Endzone with the flag in Gridiron Mode.
Re-Up MasteryReached Re-Up 60.
Ready to FrontlineKilled 50 enemies through your Barrier Ability in the Hivebuster Campaign Expansion as Mac.
Reduce, Reuse, RecycleAs Jack, convert one of each weapon to Power using the Forge in Horde.
Relic HunterEquip three Relic Weapons at one time in Campaign.
Relics of the PastKill an enemy with every Relic Weapon in Campaign.
Renewed, Not ConsumedFound all Character Ability upgrades in the Hivebusters DLC.
ResourcefulDefeat an opponent with every Pickup Weapon in a single Free For All Match.
Rest in PiecesEliminated 100,000 enemies in Horde or Escape.
Ring LeaderWin a Match of Arcade Blitz with the most Points earned in a Ring.
Rite of PassageCompleted all Chapters of the Hivebusters DLC on Insane.
Safe and SoundSecure the UIR satellites.
SamplerComplete a Match of Free For All, Arcade Blitz and Gridiron.
Searching for AnswersCollect all Campaign Collectibles in the Hivebusters DLC.
SeraninjaUse Jack's Cloak ability to cloak and execute three enemies before de-cloaking in Campaign.
Sergeant at ArmsReach the rank of Sergeant in Tour of Duty.
Seriously 5.0 - Chapter 1Insane Campaign, Master Horde and Escape Launch Maps and Characters, 20 Re-ups, General in Tour.
Seriously 5.0 - Chapter 250 Re-Ups, Inconceivable Campaign, Mastered All hives and Horde Maps , All Classes at Level 20.
Shock and AweUse Jack's Shock Trap ability to shock six enemies at once in Campaign.
Showin' a Little SkinCompleted a chapter of Campaign while using a Custom Skin.
ShutoutWin a match of Gridiron and keep your opponents scoreless.
Sire, InterruptedKill a Sire while it's kidnapping a teammate (any mode)
So There's the HeroCollected first Heroic skin.
Solid GoldBeat the Gold Time in a Featured Escape.
Stop 'Em ColdDefeat the Matriarch in Escape using the Relic Dropshot.
Such CarnageGot 2000 points in a Competitive match from eliminations.
Supplies for the EffortActivated Resupply ability 25 times in the Hivebuster Campaign Expansion as Keegan.
Swift and GrimyCompleted 60 Waves of Horde Frenzy on Insane or Higher.
Take CommandCompleted a match of Horde Frenzy on Command.
Take a Look AroundCompleted a Versus match on Reactor, Blood Drive and Checkout.
Teamwork Makes the Dream WorkMastered an Escape Hive and Horde Map from Operation 4.
That Old COG TechnologyOpen the old COG gate in Kadar Valley.
That's Inconceivable!Completed all chapters on Inconceivable difficulty.
The AwakeningActivated Keegan, Lahni and Mac's Abilities in the Hivebuster Campaign Expansion.
The Centaur SetMaxed out each of the Anchor, Gunner, Pilot, Veteran, Brawler classes.
The Path To VictoryRe-up 5 Times.
The Spirit WalkOpened up the Spirit Walk on Pahanu.
The Three MusketeersInflict 9000 damage in Escape while three Ultimate Abilities are active.
Then We Watch Each Other's BackPlant the last beacon in the Old Ephyra ruins.
These New Recruits Got GritComplete 50 Consecutive Waves of Horde with Lizzie Carmine, Clayton Carmine, Baird or Cole.
Throw a Switch, See What HappensAssemble the UIR Hammer of Dawn rocket.
Total AnnihilationDo 400,000,000 damage in Horde or Escape.
Total DevastationDealt 200,000,000 damage in Horde or Escape.
Trusted AdvisorWon 5 matches with the Vrol character.
Victory SeizedPlace first in a Match of Free For All.
We Need the Old PlanKill the Matriarch.
What's This Thing Doing Here?Acquired any Weapon from the Fabricator in Escape.
Where's My Product Endorsement Deal?Win five matches of Arcade.
Who You Gonna Call? Hivebusters!Complete five Escape Hives as each one of Mac, Lahni and Keegan.
Who's Your Escape Main?Reach Character Level 15 with either Tactician, Anchor or Blademaster Class.
Who's Your Horde Main?Reach Character Level 15 with Infiltrator, Demolitions, Mechanic, Veteran, Marksman OR Jack.
Withdrawal SymptomsAs a team, collect Power from all four Power Taps within one wave of Horde.
Year of the ScorpionCompleted all Year One Escape Hives.
Yep, I'd say they're deadKilled 25,000 enemies in Versus.
You Better Run!Killed 100 enemies under the effect of Nomad's Fear ability, as Nomad Class, in Horde or Escape.
You Know I Ain't Going Out Like ThatGet back to the New Ephyra wall.
You've Got Character, KidOwn 50 character skins.
You've Got a Friend in MeMake a new Ally in Gears Allies.